Thursday, June 2, 2016

Unusual Embroidered Masterpieces

    A family very dear to me recently received a sort of 'catch 22' medical diagnosis (darned if you do, darned if you don't) that brought me to tears. I was praying...struggling...praying..struggling, when God shared this with me:
   "Yes, I hear you, Child. I know your heart on this...what you desire for them (and desire not to happen for them) you trust Me but are wondering if different prayers would be better, would better yield My Will being accomplished. It's not that you don't trust Me; you don't trust yourself...that you've done all you can do, prayed all you can, prayed in the right way, prayed as many times as you should. Your thoughts and heart strings are tangled like the tapestry threads you described in your prayers this morning.
   Allow Me to carefully and gently untangle them for you. My 'world,' My 'reality,' is multidimensional in ways your mind cannot conceive or process. Layers and layers of thread sit on top of one another from your visual vantagepoint, appearing tangled, mangled, chaotically arranged.  From My perspective, they are ordered and wisely and creatively woven in, around, and through one another to design pattern and meaning and wholeness from all angles. Each thread was not initiated by Me, nor was it necessarily what I desired; yet I am the Restorer, the Redeemer, the Master Maker, and even the Inventive Recycler.
   You say, as in the old, oft-spoken analogy, that I make masterpieces appear on the top side of the fabric, and you are correct in that. However, what that imagery doesn't communicate is that I see multiple masterpieces on the underside...underneath, where I tenderly weave many lives I love together.  The old analogy has but one dimension of beauty--on the top side which you frame and hang for others to see. But I am creating, recreating, reworking, weaving and displaying simultaneously-layered works of art of just the threads on the underside, which may never appear to the rest of the world as frameable art. Not everyone will look back and say, "Yes, now I see what God was doing all along. I see the masterpiece!"

   Ask Me for eyes to better see what I see.  Trust Me in the deepest places of your soul that I carry even your mistakes and your inadequacies....your misunderstandings and your weaknesses....your misguided advice and enthusiasm, in the palm of My hand. I close my fist and press it over My heart, knowing yours. I read it continually and know when it feels like it's helplessly breaking for another. But I am not helpless, and I am not impotent. And I am not dependent on  proper expression to hear your heart's cry.
   Trust Me, despite what you see on the topside or the bottom.
   Trust Me. I not only open the eyes of the blind, unstop the ears of the deaf, and make the crippled walk, but I make beauty from ashes, joy from mourning, grace from trial, contentment from
suffering, unusual victories from defeat.  Only I can, and only I can see multiple masterpieces in seemingly tangled thread.


Morning read and share....