Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hurtful Memories Buried Alive?

   After I sent the last post winging its way into cyberspace, I stood on our deck basking in soft sunlight with a gentle breeze swirling around me and heard God's whisper:  "Let the memories you've now given to me lie down in peace.  Feel My Shalom in your heart concerning them. No longer will they be buried alive, attempting to resurrect themselves.  I will carry them off with Me, where I know how to receive them. There is nothing I can't use for good, nothing out of which I cannot make something beautiful, not the least of which are compassion and mercy toward others."

"What is God asking of us? Unabashed, unhindered, completely abandoned repentance. No faking. No hedging. No blaming. No excuses. Just, 'Have mercy on me, a sinner...' "*  
 --Beth Moore, When Godly People Do Ungodly Things

*Luke 18: 9-17

1 comment:

Morning read and share....