Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Two-Communication with God

   In my morning prayer time, I usually write out my prayers in a journal to the Lord. I speak, and then I listen and try to record, as best I can, what I hear Him saying.  I know I don't always get it exactly right, but I hope I am at least getting the gist of it.  I write my prayers in blue or black, His in red.  That way I can always easily go back and reread just His words to me. Sometimes I see only black for a day or even days and realize these have been one-sided conversations.
   Recently, however, I realized that even when I'm taking time to be still and listen, I might have the wrong order.  I should be listening first.  But wait, I also want to record His response to my prayers.  Ah...a prayer sandwich is what I should have! He speaks and I listen. I speak and He listens. Then it's His turn again.  As usual, He has an even better idea.
   "Multi-layered sandwiches are best...more like a real conversation. It's ok to have thick fillings, however.*  My bread [His spoken word to us] is nourishing and vital to your health. Keep your filling [our heart spoken to Him] encased in it. Otherwise, your filling will drip out onto the table and make a mess....a mess in your mind...a mess of your emotions. You will not find true peace there or full meaning or hope or joy or restoration or renewal.  It will all run amuck. Keep your filling tucked between my [slices of] bread to find fullness of hope and complete Rest in Me."

*More from Him on 'the filling' in the next post. 😊
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