Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Being Kind to His Kids

God has been continuing the analogy, planting the picture of how He feels when I am kind, merciful, or thoughtful to others...going out of my way to help them.  He asked me how I feel when other people are kind to my kids.  How my heart warms toward them, how grateful I am, and how I pray God will bless them for their thoughtfulness.   Hmmmmm....this is how He feels, too...and how He responds?  But He doesn't have to pray for a blessing.  He is blessed by our loving actions,  and He is the One Who Blesses.   We aren't kind to receive a blessing; we are kind to please Him and because our hearts are gradually becoming more like His every day, His molten love pouring out from within us. May it be more and more so. May the hard-hearted, selfish part of us be replaced more and more by His sacrificial outpouring, even towards those hardest to love.

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Morning Manna....to read and share....