Friday, September 11, 2015

Witness For the Prosecution

   Recently the Lord asked me:   "Are you a witness for the prosecution?"
   "What do you mean, Lord?" I asked Him.
   A Scripture came to mind: 'Satan is the Accuser of the brethren,'
   Instead, we should support Him as Defense Attorney and Mediator.
   We are called to build up, edify, encourage, and help lead others out of prison; not condemn them to it.  There is a manifold difference between standing for the truth, upon which we should never compromise,  and judging and condemning individuals. Only The Father reads the heart.   Only the Father vindicates.  May we never cross the line.  Help us, Lord, to recognize when we've taken over Your seat as Judge.

Romans 8:21
Romans 21:1
Rev 12:10

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