Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Stop the Spinning, I Want to Get Off

I don't know how many of you are old enough to remember the merry-go-rounds that used to be in the parks.  Not the fancy kind with horses (which I still love, by the way), but the old wooden and metal ones where one person would run very fast and push, while the rest of us sat hanging on for dear life.  The 'spinner' would run as fast as possible to whirl us around and then jump on at the last second to join us.  They removed these from most parks because they considered  them unsafe for children, so you seldom, if ever, see them anymore.

This image came to mind this morning as I considered where we are with September 14 just behind us and September 23, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, approaching.   So many signs colliding for that day. We may be set spinning and have to hang on for dear life, as the saying goes, but as long as God our Father is the Spinner and His Son, Jesus,  is the bar to which we cling, we'll be all right. We may be left dizzy and perhaps disoriented, but we won't fall off, now or for eternity.


Morning Manna....to read and share....