Monday, August 24, 2015

Unfolding Your Hand

The One I've come to know through the past four decades...the One Of Whom I experienced sporadic glimpses even in childhood...the One Who kept calling to me through years of darkness.....Who would ever not want to run with utter abandon towards Him and gratefully throw one's arms around Him?  Who would not run happily into the sunlight from the prison of oneself....or reach up for His Hand from the midst of the raging sea of this world's madness?  How do I communicate the joy, the peace, the assurance, the contentment, the very Person of the One who loves us so lavishly?  How?  They must meet Him for themselves, and the scales will fall from their eyes, as they fell from mine when I experienced His overwhelming Presence. But I must be bold to introduce them, not being content to clutch this joy to myself, hugging it like a selfish child who runs to her room and locks the door behind her.  Help me to unfold my hand, Lord, and share the treasure You placed there.

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