Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I listen to several excellent speakers and Bible teachers, whom I trust and respect,  for edification and encouragement in the mornings while I'm getting ready for work. Afterwards, I sit to have quiet time with the Lord.  Sometimes, these dedicated teachers appear to be saying things diametrically opposed to one go far in one direction at the  expense of another truth. So, I was asking God who was correct...whom to believe...when they all appeared to convincingly be speaking truth.  Here is His response, as best I could record it. Maybe it will help someone else with a similar question on his heart.
I am here, Child, listening to your every heart's cry. I promise to guide you and teach show you revelation. No one on earth has everything correct. Don't worry. I have given them each a role to play. Glean the truth I personally am communicating to you at the moment. Do not close your mind to any true believers and what they have to share. You each have gems to outstretch. Put together, they offer a sparkling array.

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Morning read and share....