Monday, August 3, 2015

Not Handsome But Beautiful

Leaking again....brought to tears by Beth Moore's passage in her older book, Things Pondered. Wish I could reproduce the whole section here....It's called Beautiful. Yeshua was in no way handsome while He was on the earth, according to Scripture. Yet He was like no other for His Beauty of person. Just a section of Beth's prose regarding this truth:
"Maybe it was Your eyes. Those eyes that showered the fullest attention on whomever you encountered.  Eyes that fastened with such focus that I would have run...if I could have moved. Eyes that I realized knew everything there was to know about me. But eyes that reassured, "It is not afraid."

--Things Pondered by Beth Moore; p.143
FYI: the first part of this book had me in stitches. I never know whether I'll be laughing or crying when I Read a chapter.

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