Encouraging spiritual food to foster a deeper relationship with God and help sustain you through challenging times...
Saturday, December 30, 2023
“I cried to the Lord”
Friday, December 29, 2023
Lifter of our heads
This morning, I once again read in Psalm 3 that God is ‘the lifter of my head,’ Years ago, He gave me a picture of Himself putting His forefinger under my chin and lifting my head up so I could look into His love-filled eyes. That image has stayed with me, as well it should. However, Brian Simmons also notes that in David’s time, “to lift up the head signified acquittal when judged, being freed from the prison of shame.” [The Passion Translation]
How often have I been reluctant to look Him in the eye, due to my ungodly words or attitude toward another? I avoid the ‘listening’ part of my daily prayer time because I am embarrassed and ashamed that I behaved as I did. I know the holiness to which He has called us, and I definitely didn’t measure up. How could I at my advanced age still be struggling with some of the same things I did in my young adulthood? If I take time to listen, won’t He say, “Really???”
In his book, Who Told You You Were Naked? Andrew Wommack explores our tendency to hide from God because of the conscience He placed within us. Our awareness of our own guilt can keep us separated from the very solace, healing, and hope we desperately need from Him. We can manage to keep ourselves very ‘busy’ and declare we don’t have enough time to sit at His feet. So much to do! Of course, He is well aware of this ploy.
We are like the child who was running in the house and broke the sentimentally valuable vase. Our Father isn’t ignorant of the identity of the culprit, but he wants us to be the one to come and confess, to look him in the eye and say, “I did it, Abba, and I’m sorry.” Forgiveness and a loving hug bring reconciliation and restoration of the closeness a father wants with his children.
Our forgiveness, despite our guilt, comes through our eldest sibling, Who already took.our punishment on Himself. He has done this so we and Abba can always be close. Yet we often act as though He hasn’t paid this dreadful price, as if we are still separated from our Papa and need to keep hiding behind the furniture. We should never take for granted what our Big Brother has done, but we also shouldn’t allow his sacrifice to have been in vain. Abba and Yeshua long for us to stay near.
Let’s come without fear to sincerely confess and then receive freedom from guilt and shame (and even pure embarrassment!), in gratefulness to our big brother, Yeshua. Let’s also strive to live holier and holier lives, so that the things we bring to our Abba in sorrow are examples of a life which has been continually sanctified throughout the years.
Let’s stay close, no matter our recent thoughts, words, deeds…or even something we failed to do. Let’s confess quickly and allow Him to lift our heads. Let’s receive the Papa Bear hug with which He longs to encircle us. He may have some further instructions for us, however.
Perhaps the most challenging listening from which we may be tempted to hide is related to someone else. Someone He wants us to forgive or from whom we should as forgiveness. Someone to whom He wants us to minister our own bear hug. Let’s listen well and follow through, extending the love and grace we have just received.. Then we can ‘look up’ and see the glowing face of a proud Papa beaming down on us.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Choreographer and Conductor
Have you ever attended a symphony or other musical performance with a conductor at the helm? He moves his arms dramatically, nodding his head or pointing his baton for each section’s entrance. He holds the orchestra and other performers in the palm of his hand.
When there is dancing involved, as in The Nutcracker, for example, you can be sure there has been a choreographer behind the scenes, designing, teaching, and coaching the movements of the performers. You don’t see the choreographer during the show, but you can be certain that without him, the performance would have been a chaotic, bumbling mess. Both the one up front and the one unseen are crucial to the show’s success. The performers cannot see the whole picture. They must keep their eyes on their Conductor, playing and moving as they have been trained by him and by their Choreographer, who were privy to the impression made by the whole group
Picture a performance ready to begin. Some run in late and breathlessly take their seats. Others have been playing, singing, or dancing since before their feet reached the floor. In the audience and even closer in the wings, some are raptly watching and listening, some longing to join the company.. surprisingly, the Conductor waves them in***, beckoning them with a wide smile. The newcomers don’t realize that He has long been choreographing their lives to bring them to this moment. The performers joyfully make room for them, while still keeping their eyes on the Conductor.
Our ADONAI Elohim is both Choreographer and Conductor of our lives. We need Him to prepare us and also to ‘conduct’ us daily as we live out His purposes and plans for us. What peace there is in knowing that He has also already planned and choreographed our movements** and those of other cooperative believers. Our lives are woven together with others’ in a harmony we can’t see or hear with our physical senses.
What a glorious merging of sound and movement we make when we choose to follow His lead and agree to be trained* by His Word, practicing daily to improve our reflection of Him: it becomes a feast for the eyes and ears, calling out to those hungry for Him. The glorious Morningstar**** has risen in our hearts and is calling out His invitation*** to others. Oh wait, is that a new group watching and waiting in the wings?
*“So devote yourselves to lavishly supplementing [choreographing*] your faith with goodness, and to goodness add understanding, and to understanding, add the strength of self-control, and to self-control, add patient endurance, and to patient endurance add godliness, and to godliness add mercy, and to mercy add unending [agape] love.” —2 Peter 1: 3-7
{*The Greek word epichorÄ“geo… can mean “richly provide” (for the choir) or “choreograph.”}
“ As a result, the kingdom’ gates will open wide to you as God choreographs your triumphant entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Messiah.” 2 Peter 1: 11
**“You know everything there is to know about me. You perceive every movement of my heart and soul, and you understand my every thought before it even enters my mind. You are so intimately aware of me, Lord. You read my heart like an open book and you know all the words I’m about to speak before I even start a sentence! You know every step I will take before my journey even begins. You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness you follow behind me…” Psalm 139: 1-5
You saw who you created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book. Every single moment you are thinking of me! How precious and wonderful to consider that you cherish me constantly in your every thought…” Psalm 139: 16
***“3Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness.” 2 Peter 1: 3-4
**** “For this prophetic message is like a piercing light shining in a gloomy place until the dawning of a new day, as when the Morning Star rises in your hearts.” —2 Peter 1: 19b
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
“Everything happens for a reason,” but not always a good one
I am so tired of hearing pop philosophies malign the character of God. Hallmark movie scripts now tout ‘the universe’ and ‘fate’ in place of oir Heavenly Father. “The Night Before Christmas” has replaced the true Christmas story for children’s bedtimes, and “O, Christmas Tree” has replaced “Silent Night.” Non-Christian terms like Karma have woven their way into the conversations of Christians. One of the worst is the attribution of everything that happens as the will of God.
The phrase “Everything happens for a reason is bandied about as though wretched evil circumstances are part of God’s master plan. Yes, indeed, awful things happen ‘for a reason’….and that reason is often the will of the enemy of our souls or the will of a human who has chosen wrong over right.
We musn’t confuse the truth of Romans 8:28, that God can and will “MAKE A GOOD OUT OF ANYTHING OFFERED UP TO HIM WHEN WE’RE CALLED TO HIS PURPOSE,” with the false assumption that HE DESIRED IT TO HAPPEN in the first place. God doesn’t will children to have cancer or be abused. He doesn’t want your mother to develop Alzheimer’s or a child to drown just so he can cause something good to happen. He takes what the enemy meant for evil and turns it around for our good. This is the true character of God. He is not the author of disease or cruelty. He doesn’t misuse or abuse or sacrifice one of His children for another.
How have we allowed and even perpetuated this lie without standing against it? I’ve even heard sincere pastors preach this to their congregations. Search the Word out for yourself. God calls us to rejoice and be thankful IN all situations in which we find ourselves, not FOR all things. [1 Thessalonians 5:18]
So many who say they don’t believe in or trust in God attribute their lack of faith to things which have happened in their lives. In this time when people are getting their theology from TV and social media, be an agent of truth for them. Help them see Who God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) truly is. Be a defender of His Character and Will for those He loves so dearly and suffered for so intensely. Help them discern between the ‘in’ and the ‘for’. Lovingly open eyes to false philosophies being expressed all around them.
One way which has helped me communicate God’s true heart is by having people imagine ever giving one of their children cancer to teach them a lesson or to benefit another of their children. What a horrible thought, yes? We would NEVER do such a thing. Yet, that is what we accuse our perfect Heavenly Father of doing. Think about it. How have we been brainwashed to accept such an attitude toward our God. Scripture describes Him as Love itself…full of mercy and lovingkindness.
Let’s not just stand by and allow Him to be maligned. A wonderful birthday gift to Him this Christmas would be to help those in such desperate need of Him to draw close. Rather than letting them keep Him at arm’s length because of false beliefs about Who He really is, help them discover that there are no more loving, sacrificial arms to be drawn into than His.
Happy Birthday to You, dear Yeshua.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
After the angels left
For the first time in my annual reading of the Christmas story in Luke, it occurred to me that the shepherds must have been discouraged to see nothing change after their spectacular experience. They must have gone back to their scorned occupation in excited expectation. Yet days, years, decades passed and nothing was any different. Did they wonder if it had all been just their imagination?
Supernatural experiences can fade in our memory and their impact dull in the passing of time. Our testimony dims. We may relegate them to some sort of exaggerated emotional high. Daily realities take over our perspective…the here and now, our five senses, our intellectual rationalizations, become paramount once again.
How could someone see angels break open the heavens and then doubt their experience? They never would, right? In the same way, spectacular, supernatural experiences like witnessing someone raised from the dead would be something one couldn’t ever deny or forget. Right? Yet it happens. Jesus said that with a dulled heart, even if someone were raised from the dead in front of them, some would still not believe. [Luke 16:31]
We know from our hindsight perspective that the shepherds were not ultimately disappointed. Yet I wonder if all of them believed in Jesus as the Messiah years later when His personhood was revealed. How many kept their faith through all the years of Jesus’ childhood and young adulthood, still anticipating, still expecting?
One of the meanings of Yeshua’s name is “Rescuer”.Our country is living in darkness. It has much company, unfortunately. ADONAI has promised to rescue us, to shine His light on us, to save His people, to save our nation, and, through us, the world. His remnant has been crying out and He, in His mercy, has answered….is answering.…will answer.
We have seen His light, read His Word, heard His Rhema through His prophets, heard and experienced testimony after testimony of His goodness and mercy and lovingkindness. Though day passes to day with things appearing unchanged and even worsening, I KNOW He is working. I KNOW He is coming to rescue us in THIS life. NOW. Yes, also for eternity, when it comes time. But this rescue will be in the NOW! A reset, a re-formation, a revolution, a restoration, a restitution here on this earth. It is coming. I believe it. I’m expecting it. I’m grateful for it. I will not be dissuaded. Are you with me? I am a shepherd who still believes she will see the Messiah come forth. A leper who returns. A prisoner who praises. A barren woman who trusts for a full home. A child who reaches out in simple faith. He has said it, I believe it. I know it is true. Glory be to God in the highest heavens. Alleluia!
“The splendor-light of heaven’s glorious sunrise is about to break upon us in holy visitation, all because the merciful heart of our God is so very tender. The word from heaven will come to us with dazzling light to shine upon those who live in darkness, near death’s dark shadow. Luke 1:78-79 TPT
Monday, December 4, 2023
Keeping His promise
As I sit here at 70 reading once again the story of Elizabeth, Zechariah, and John; the tears come unbidden. I remember wanting a child so desperately, with doctors not at all optimistic. I remember each month praying and hoping and then being disappointed.
I recall sitting, unable to keep from weeping, at a springtime clergy wives conference in which someone gave an anointed presentation about Mary. Back in my room, i asked the Lord, “Why was I weeping through her whole teaching?” I thought I then heard so clearly the Lord promising me that I would have a child at Christmas. The annunciation and birth fell in symbolic line so perfectly with the current month, and I was happy beyond words.
However, by the next month I was once again disappointed….and devastated. Not just because I wasn’t ‘with child,’ but also because I thought I had heard Him so very clearly. I began to question whether I had ever heard Him in past times correctly at all. Month after month went by, then another two years, until one day I was sitting in a Bible study with friends and I heard Him (did I?) tell me to ask the group to pray over me for a child. I argued with Him: “Lord, they’ve prayed with me many times before. I don’t want to ask them again.” Silence. Then, “Ask them.” So with nothing but the tiniest mustard seed of faith, I did.
To my ecstatic joy, I found I was carrying a baby soon after. We decided to name him Joshua, “Yahweh is salvation, restoration, and deliverance.”* When my obstetrician examined his turnwheel calendar to give me my expected due date, a huge smile lit his face. “Guess what your due-date is? Christmas!” It wasn’t until months later that it struck me that I had indeed heard Holy Spirit that spring day, and God had indeed fulfilled His promise. I just had the wrong year!
In the past few years God has been promising us deliverance from an evil national/international regime, as well as a revival with an incomprehensible billion soul harvest. Most of us, including the prophets themselves, thought He meant that very first or second year. The fact that longer gestation has been necessary to root out the depths of entrenched evil doesn’t mean He will not fulfill His promises. His Word NEVER comes back void. Sometimes we just have the timing wrong.
*For those who don’t know me personally, I now have three amazing, Adonai-loving children and 3 beautiful grandchildren. God is so o Good!
**The name Zechariah means “God has remembered.” The name Elizabeth means “oath” or “covenant of God.” He is always faithful, even when we aren’t. Zechariah questioned God’s faithfulness, but God blessed him anyway. How merciful and kind is our loving Father.
***Remember, Jesus/Joshua/Yeshua, versions from the Greek and Hebrew….include Rescue, Deliverance, and Restoration, as well as eternal salvation, which are all missions of our Lord in THIS life, not just in the next.
Friday, December 1, 2023
A Tender Advent
Years ago, I suggested our family exchange gifts on Epiphany and keep the Advent and Christmas seasons as worshipful and focused as possible on our Saviour. Although their hearts were with me, the logistics weren’t. Between geography and timing, it became apparent this plan wouldn’t fly. This year, however, new geography and timing have paved the way. We have set our celebration together for Epiphany weekend (not that we don’t also have fun events like cookie baking in between).
My part time hours at the store have shrunk, and I have put away my easel and art supplies, which normally live where the Christmas tree now stands. Nativity scenes, angels, and candles now light our living/dining area, and quiet Christian carols are calling me to worship in His Spirit of deep joy and rest. This brings Him pleasure. (I know because He just told me so,)
Brian Simmons (The Passion Translation) has a new Advent devotional which I purchased on Kindle. I am going to use this to supplement my daily Bible reading and prayer/decree time this season. I am excited to go deeper. Today the Lord told me “not to be reluctant to ‘camp out’ on just one part of His Word.. Treasures are to be found there,” He whispered. I’m taking the time to click on each of Brian’s notes in His Passion Translation, as I reread the Christmas story in the gospels. I have been taking longer to ponder the impact of each comment on specific words and verses. Sometimes I don’t even make it through a whole chapter. I put my head back and close my eyes, asking Holy Spirit to share what He wants me to glean, to see anew in these oh so familiar passages.
Earlier today, I was doing errands, cleaning, attending a Zoom meeting, and trying to be faithful to my exercise program. Prayer time & Bible study had been sandwiched here and there. When I sat back down to get quiet again and listen, He chuckled and didn’t really need to comment further. I got it. This lesson has been repeated for me through the decades. You would think I’d have it mastered by now, but He knows better. I am thankful for His patience. He did, however, lovingly remind me to realign my priorities with His. He knows how the most important things can get put aside, despite our best intentions, when addressed in the wrong order.
I want to live His priorities out this year, not just cocooning myself away to experience a truly holy season in His Presence, but also dedicating significant time in serving others in ways that please Him. Learning to both give and receive well. A holy Advent season doesn’t have to be a totally quiet one, but when His good pleasure is the motivation for both types of joyful experiences—-the peaceful and the busy—-we can be assured of a blessed Advent lived under the tender gaze of His joyful countenance. Let’s ask Him, “Lord, how would You have me spend the time You’ve given me this Advent season? Help me go deeper and farther, both inwardly and outwardly, in ways that please Your heart..”
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Deeply Rooted
- "Remain deeply rooted in Him, built up in Him and confirmed in your trust, the way you were taught, so that you overflow with thanksgiving." --Colossians 2:7
- "...to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. The will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor." --Isaiah 61:3
- "that we may be no longer children (spiritually immature) tossed back and forth (like ships on a stormy sea) and carried about by every wind of (shifting) doctrine, by the cunning and trickery of (unscrupulous men, by the deceitful scheming of people ready to do anything (for personal profit)." --Ephesians 4:14 AMP
- "What delight comes to the one who follows God's ways! He won't walk in step with the wicked, nor share the sinner's way, nor be found sitting in the scorner's seat. His passion is to remain true to the Word of 'I AM,' meditating day and night on the true revelation of light [Torah]. He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God's design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life." --Psalm 1::1-3
- "Fear of human beings is a snare, but he who trusts in ADONAI will be raised high (above danger). --Proverbs 29:25 CJB
- "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."
- "Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand." --Ephesians 6: 10+
- "But the evil men...will progress from bad to worse, deceived and deceiving, as they lead the people further from the truth. But you must continue to advance in strength with the truth wrapped around your heart." --2 Timothy 3: 13-14 TPT
- Draw close to the Lord (even more so than ever before). Spend dedicated daily time in both prayer and listening. Turn off your electronic devices and put aside other distractions.
- Study (don't just read) His Word
- Listen to His Rhema word through His prophets so that you will be both aware and encouraged
- Speak forth (decree) His Word (both Logos and Rhema). Partner with Him to declare His Will....His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven
- Keep a clean conscience
- Forgive
- Run from idolatry (including superstitious gestures and apostate phrases and pursuits (crossing your fingers, knocking on wood, referring to 'karma,' .studying horoscopes, gambling..... All these seemingly harmless actions are a form of idolatry.
- Watch what you 'eat,' what you take into your soul for 'entertainment' or 'information'. These can also pull up your roots. Test question: "Would Yeshua be pleased with your choices? Ask Him.
- "Without faith it is impossible to please God." --Hebrews 11:6
- "Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established; believe His prophets and you shall prosper." --2 Chronicles 20:20
- Praise and Worship (bring down strongholds) in English and in the Spirit
- Decree God's will and plans . Say what He says out loud...both Logos and Rhema.* ("Decree a thing and it will be established." Job 20
- Know the power and authority the Lord has given you as a believer
- Speak up and speak out in our culture!
- Hold your position without flinching. Be bold and courageous, yet personally humble (tricky)
- Refuse to give in, bow, or comply with evil or unjust orders.
- Join in the re-covenanting of our nation with God Almighty
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Feeling Refurbished?
Have you ever bought a computer or tablet that has been ‘refurbished’? They’ve taken it apart, cleaned it up, and theoretically fixed what wasn’t working properly. You can save quite a bit of money that way, but you also wonder how long it will last. Does it have a warranty? On Amazon, they now call these ‘renewed’.
I was pondering this concept after I read one of Brian Simmons (Passion Translation) comments on us as New Creations. This morning his comment on Galatians 6:15 stopped me again. “What really matters is the transforming power of the new creation life.” God’s word says He makes us ‘new creations’ when we receive Yeshua as our Savior and entrust our lives to Him. New Creations. That’s not rehabilitation or refurbishment, or reconstruction. It’s total transformation into a new creature. He doesn’t just ‘reboot’ us or take us apart, as my mechanical engineer sons do, laying our pieces on a table, cleaning them, oiling them, fixing broken parts, and then putting everything back together, ‘good as new’.
Although I’m a great fan of rehabilitation (and God is all about the ‘re’* words), it is not a true image of the work of our Creator’s hands. Although we may at times feel simply rehabilitated, reconstructed, or even more like a jumble of parts struggling to function together; that is not who we are. That is not how He sees us, either. His eyes light up at His stunning new creation, made in the likeness of His Son.
In his 51st psalm, David asked the Father to ‘create in [him]a new heart. A new heart. Not to just clean up and fix the old, broken, soiled one. Hmmmm.
Lately, my nearly 70 year-old-body (and sometimes soul) is feeling in need of refurbishment and renewal. Yet, even renewal is not an adequate term for the transforming power of God in and over those who ‘have died with Him and will one day be resurrected like Him.’ In fact, God’s word says that ‘the same power that conquered the grave lives in us….now!*** Start seeing what God sees. Picture yourself not just rebuilt or even simply injected’ by His Holy Spirit, but totally transformed into a new creation. Tell the struggling ‘members’ of your body, soul, and spirit who they really are. Instruct them to ‘hop to it’ and run that race set before you with new creation zeal!
“We have become His poetry, a re-created people, that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us.” —Ephesians 2: 10 (TPT)
*Renewal, Restitution, Redemption, Revival, Revolution, Reinvigoration, Reassurance, Reawakening, Rebirth, Recoupment, Recovery, Rectification,, Recuperation, Re-establishment, Regeneration, Reformation, Refreshment, Refuge, Rejuvenation, Rejoicing,… (I could keep going, but I will spare you.)
** See the Passion Translation’s comment on Psalm 51:
***Ephesians 1: 19-20
1 Thessalonians 3:10
Monday, July 10, 2023
Sound of Freedom…Rescuing the Children
Yesterday, my husband and I went to see the movie, Sound of Freedom. I was reluctant to go, despite my desire to support its creators and the cause for which the movie was produced. I didn’t think I could bear watching. Yet what are the children bearing? All I had to do was watch the movie. “Sound of Freedom” was actually made 5 years ago, but every possible roadblock came against it, so that it didn’t come out until now.
I can’t really describe its impact. The power of it, including the message from Jim Caviezel following it, was profound. [Jim gave a phenomenal performance of this true story, by the way.]
I have been aware for many years of the trafficking of children. I have supported Life Outreach International’s Rescue Life ministry off and on through the years. They share the realities of the horrific plight of these children on their programs. More recently I have heard of the pervasive, mind-boggling increase of pedophilia in our own country and the multi-billion dollar ‘industry’ woven throughout all seven mountains of our culture, including our government. I thought to myself, ‘What can I do? After the movie, I prayed, ‘Lord, what do you WANT me to do? Truly a different question.
His first step for me? “Share about the movie and about ministries for which your friends can both pray, as well as support financially.” So that is what you’ll find below. Please go see the movie in the theater, if you haven’t already.. Don’t wait. Share with your friends, in turn. Then support people ‘on the ground’ who are committed to helping these little ones. and the adults who have been trafficked since their robbed childhoods.. That is my plan, also, for today, each month, and whenever God prompts me to do so.
Lastly, pray and decree for exposure and justice for traffickers at every level, as well as for freedom, healing, and restoration of body, soul, and spirit for the victims.of these despicable crimes.
As “Sound of Freedom” declares: God’s children are not for sale!
VOLUNTEER at an anti-trafficking organization near you. For example I found one in my area which needs volunteers to help at fundraising events and to help out at their sanctuary homes for rescued children.
1) Life Outreach International [Rescue LIFE]
They “Reach, Rescue, Restore” trafficked children, going into dangerous areas where there is high trafficking, rescuing individuals and then providing safe homes, orphanages, education, and training so they can support themselves.
2) Tim Tebow Foundation’s Rescue Team
“The Rescue Team is an army of people committed to emgaging, inspiring, and equipping others in the fight against human trafficking.”
3) Joyce Meyer Hand of Hope anti-trafficking ministry
They work to rescue women and children “in the U.S., Australia, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Greece, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.” Once rescued, the chi,ldren and adults “receive love, housing, schooling, job skill training, and biblical counseling to help build and restore their lives.”
BRIDGING FREEDOM (bridgingfreedom.org)
I know there are many other organizations, but these are three I trust implicitly. Be careful to whom you donate. Our current government publicizes anti-trafficking materials,, but behind the scenes………
If you know personally of other good organizations to support, please add a comment to this post. While you’re at it, enrage the Enemy by singing this “children’s” song aloud::
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world; Red and yellow black and white, they are precious in His sight; Jesus loves the little children of the world..
In His love, Julie
Friday, June 2, 2023
Rest Assured
Have you ever thought about the term “rest assured”? For example, “rest assured that our company will take care of this for you.” Or “Be assured that this will take place.” Do you then actually enter a place of peace and rest, leaving the issue in their hands? Or have you experienced such promises becoming empty words, discovering nothing was ever done to address your problem?
I certainly have, especially in the last few years, when we’ve been told over and over that someone will ‘take care of it,’ only to discover absolutely nothing was done. Integrity related to one’s word no longer seems necessary for many in our country’s current ethical climate.
Yet If we entrust something to our Beloved Father, we can truly ‘rest assured’ that He will address it. While always in the context of His will and what He knows to be best for us and for others, our concerns are never relegated to a pile labeled, “if I get around to it after more important concerns.’ Or, ‘if I happen to feel like it.’ Or, ‘if I think you’re worthy of my energy and attention’.
“Rest assured,”:He says, “knowing that nothing you care about is out of My care”. What peace, what joy to know that everything that concerns us, concerns Him. There is nothing too small or insignificant in His eyes, if it’s on our hearts. He’s so BIG that nothing is too small.
If your faith has been leaking lately, pump up your heart by singing the children’s song:
My God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do….for You!
Flex your arm muscle, shout it out, and
…rest assured.