“Everything happens for a reason,” but not always a good one
I am so tired of hearing pop philosophies malign the character of God. Hallmark movie scripts now tout ‘the universe’ and ‘fate’ in place of oir Heavenly Father. “The Night Before Christmas” has replaced the true Christmas story for children’s bedtimes, and “O, Christmas Tree” has replaced “Silent Night.” Non-Christian terms like Karma have woven their way into the conversations of Christians. One of the worst is the attribution of everything that happens as the will of God.
The phrase “Everything happens for a reason is bandied about as though wretched evil circumstances are part of God’s master plan. Yes, indeed, awful things happen ‘for a reason’….and that reason is often the will of the enemy of our souls or the will of a human who has chosen wrong over right.
We musn’t confuse the truth of Romans 8:28, that God can and will “MAKE A GOOD OUT OF ANYTHING OFFERED UP TO HIM WHEN WE’RE CALLED TO HIS PURPOSE,” with the false assumption that HE DESIRED IT TO HAPPEN in the first place. God doesn’t will children to have cancer or be abused. He doesn’t want your mother to develop Alzheimer’s or a child to drown just so he can cause something good to happen. He takes what the enemy meant for evil and turns it around for our good. This is the true character of God. He is not the author of disease or cruelty. He doesn’t misuse or abuse or sacrifice one of His children for another.
How have we allowed and even perpetuated this lie without standing against it? I’ve even heard sincere pastors preach this to their congregations. Search the Word out for yourself. God calls us to rejoice and be thankful IN all situations in which we find ourselves, not FOR all things. [1 Thessalonians 5:18]
So many who say they don’t believe in or trust in God attribute their lack of faith to things which have happened in their lives. In this time when people are getting their theology from TV and social media, be an agent of truth for them. Help them see Who God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) truly is. Be a defender of His Character and Will for those He loves so dearly and suffered for so intensely. Help them discern between the ‘in’ and the ‘for’. Lovingly open eyes to false philosophies being expressed all around them.
One way which has helped me communicate God’s true heart is by having people imagine ever giving one of their children cancer to teach them a lesson or to benefit another of their children. What a horrible thought, yes? We would NEVER do such a thing. Yet, that is what we accuse our perfect Heavenly Father of doing. Think about it. How have we been brainwashed to accept such an attitude toward our God. Scripture describes Him as Love itself…full of mercy and lovingkindness.
Let’s not just stand by and allow Him to be maligned. A wonderful birthday gift to Him this Christmas would be to help those in such desperate need of Him to draw close. Rather than letting them keep Him at arm’s length because of false beliefs about Who He really is, help them discover that there are no more loving, sacrificial arms to be drawn into than His.
Happy Birthday to You, dear Yeshua.
Well said. Amen 🙏