Friday, June 2, 2023

Rest Assured


 Have you ever thought about the term “rest assured”? For example, “rest assured that our company will take care of this for you.”   Or “Be assured that this will take place.” Do you then actually enter a place of peace and rest, leaving the issue in their hands? Or have you experienced such promises becoming empty words, discovering nothing was ever done to address your problem?

     I certainly have, especially in the last few years, when we’ve been told over and over that someone will ‘take care of it,’ only to discover absolutely nothing was done. Integrity related to one’s word no longer seems necessary for many in our country’s current ethical climate.

     Yet If we entrust something to our Beloved Father, we can truly ‘rest assured’ that He will address it. While always in the context of His will and what He knows to be best for us and for others, our concerns are never relegated to a pile labeled, “if I get around to it after more important concerns.’ Or, ‘if I happen to feel like it.’ Or, ‘if I think you’re worthy of my energy and attention’.

    “Rest assured,”:He says, “knowing that nothing you care about is out of My care”. What peace, what joy to know that everything that concerns us, concerns Him. There is nothing too small or insignificant in His eyes, if it’s on our hearts. He’s so BIG that nothing is too small.

    If your faith has been leaking lately, pump up your heart by singing the children’s song:

My God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do….for You

Flex your arm muscle, shout it out, and 

rest assured.

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