After the angels left
For the first time in my annual reading of the Christmas story in Luke, it occurred to me that the shepherds must have been discouraged to see nothing change after their spectacular experience. They must have gone back to their scorned occupation in excited expectation. Yet days, years, decades passed and nothing was any different. Did they wonder if it had all been just their imagination?
Supernatural experiences can fade in our memory and their impact dull in the passing of time. Our testimony dims. We may relegate them to some sort of exaggerated emotional high. Daily realities take over our perspective…the here and now, our five senses, our intellectual rationalizations, become paramount once again.
How could someone see angels break open the heavens and then doubt their experience? They never would, right? In the same way, spectacular, supernatural experiences like witnessing someone raised from the dead would be something one couldn’t ever deny or forget. Right? Yet it happens. Jesus said that with a dulled heart, even if someone were raised from the dead in front of them, some would still not believe. [Luke 16:31]
We know from our hindsight perspective that the shepherds were not ultimately disappointed. Yet I wonder if all of them believed in Jesus as the Messiah years later when His personhood was revealed. How many kept their faith through all the years of Jesus’ childhood and young adulthood, still anticipating, still expecting?
One of the meanings of Yeshua’s name is “Rescuer”.Our country is living in darkness. It has much company, unfortunately. ADONAI has promised to rescue us, to shine His light on us, to save His people, to save our nation, and, through us, the world. His remnant has been crying out and He, in His mercy, has answered….is answering.…will answer.
We have seen His light, read His Word, heard His Rhema through His prophets, heard and experienced testimony after testimony of His goodness and mercy and lovingkindness. Though day passes to day with things appearing unchanged and even worsening, I KNOW He is working. I KNOW He is coming to rescue us in THIS life. NOW. Yes, also for eternity, when it comes time. But this rescue will be in the NOW! A reset, a re-formation, a revolution, a restoration, a restitution here on this earth. It is coming. I believe it. I’m expecting it. I’m grateful for it. I will not be dissuaded. Are you with me? I am a shepherd who still believes she will see the Messiah come forth. A leper who returns. A prisoner who praises. A barren woman who trusts for a full home. A child who reaches out in simple faith. He has said it, I believe it. I know it is true. Glory be to God in the highest heavens. Alleluia!
“The splendor-light of heaven’s glorious sunrise is about to break upon us in holy visitation, all because the merciful heart of our God is so very tender. The word from heaven will come to us with dazzling light to shine upon those who live in darkness, near death’s dark shadow. Luke 1:78-79 TPT
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