Saturday, May 9, 2015

Christmas Lights

Walking through neighborhoods enjoying the Christmas lights, I was struck this year by the large gaps between displays. One strikingly beautiful house, and then a long line of dark ones before another breathtaking one appeared. It occurred to me that those who have placed their whole trust in Yeshua, the Saviour whose birth on earth some celebrate at this time, can shine in the darkness in much the same way, As Beth Moore has asked, "When does peace become an eye-catching display of God's splendor? ......It is the product of abiding in the Vine--the way by which the wine of joy flows through our lives." The Lord spoke to my heart that night and said that as the darkness increases in this world (as indeed it is), the Light will be made more apparent in its contrast, if we're truly abiding in Him day by day, moment by moment.

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