Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sweet Presence

     This morning as I closed my eyes and lifted my face to Him, as I try to do each morning in a time of intimate listening and sharing, His Presence washed over me once again. Lately it seems that as soon as I close my eyes, I am deeply aware of His Presence. It used to take me a period of settling and waiting. But now, after 35 years of trying to be close to Him and listen, His powerful but tender Holy Spirit is immediately 'there'.  I know He's always been there with Me, but my awareness of Him is immediately so strong, as it is when I sing to Him or about Him.
     Worship music has always been a ladder to heaven for me, so to speak, but now in the silence, I am awash in His Presence immediately upon closing my eyes.  What a blessing.  I believe that the custom, the daily habit of this prayer chair time has gradually eliminated the need for a time of focus and settling, of ridding myself of mental distractions.
     I know He desires intimacy with all of us, but there is so much that gets in the way. Making sure this is how my day always begins, without it becoming a duty or rule, but rather the true desire of my heart, opens the door to sweet fellowship. His Shalom then extends outward to the day ahead. If only I would remember throughout my day to stop, look up, and close my eyes....His tender Presence is always available.

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