Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Inside Looking Out

"Can't write with your eyes closed, can you? If you could, that would be the perfect combination. When you close your eyes, the world fades and I Am Present. You dwell inside My love. You understand John 15 better now? I don't love you IF you keep My commands. I love you. Now keep My commands to bear much fruit and experience more of My love, to commune more deeply with Me, to dwell inside My love.....not outside looking up, but inside  looking out. From inside looking out, you can see people and circumstances as I see them, from My perspective. In this way you will become more effective, more and more fruitful. You will glorify me more every day. Your prayers, your actions, your thoughts, your words will bear fruit, great fruit. The life is in the Vine. Let My life surge through you."

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Morning Manna....to read and share....