Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Cleaning your windshield

This is an image and word God gave me early Sunday morning:

   I woke up this morning with an image in my mind from the Lord. I know it was from Him. I was in a convertible and there was a very dirty windshield in front of me. It was cloudy and covered with grime. You couldn't see through it, but I could see that they were presents piled up on the right-hand side on the frame of the car, to the right of the windshield, and the Lord was laughing.

   “Clean your windshield,” He said. “Your windshield is cloudy.  How can you see where you are going when your windshield is cloudy? Clean it with vinegar and with water.  Make it sparkle. I am piling my gifts up high. Make sure they are up high.  You need to proclaim and help distribute them from a higher place. We are picking up speed.  Rejoice! I am laughing with joy flinging those gifts.  I am flinging those gifts through you [the believing Church] out to the people of your nation, to the people the world.

   See the astounding grace of my gifts! Use your muscle to clean that windshield. Use the muscle of My Spirit to clean that windshield. Make it shiny squeaky clean so you can see where I am taking you and where you need to go as you help me distribute my gifts, gifts that will astound. Proclaim them, speak them forth. Do not be afraid to proclaim them; proclaim them from up high above the circumstances. They must be proclaimed from up high above the circumstances that people see and hear and feel and touch because my gifts are coming from the heavens. Believe and do not doubt; do not resign yourself to circumstances which seem to be beyond your control. Speak forth what I say, trust in what I say, see what I see, hear what I am telling you, hear my voice and proclaim my truth, my Reality. Receive what I have for you in faith and believing the truth without doubting that I am doing a new and amazing thing. Watch in wonder as it breaks forth! Be a part of it, be a part of it, Ecclesia. Be a part of it.  Don't speak against it; don't deny it; don't carry doubt in your heart but believe that I am able to do this, that nothing is impossible for Me. I am doing an amazing thing for you, a great gift. The big gift contains many smaller gifts. Rejoice and Merry Christmas! Your windshield is cloudy and grimy with dirt and deception, with the lies of many which you have believed. Clean the windshield to see what I see and believe what I am telling you… to not be deluded. Do not be deceived. Do not believe a lie but my Truth. You must clean the windshield. I cannot clean it for you. You must make a choice to clean the windshield. Partner with me to distribute my gifts. I have chosen to partner with those who believe and who trust in me. I have shared my authority with you. Those who believe partner with me to distribute the gifts.”

    He wanted me to fling them out as we travelled but told me we couldn’t go until I could see clearly:

You must clean your windshield. Without cleaning your windshield you'll crash and burn.” That's what our nation (and the world) will do without Him, but he has a much better plan. He doesn't want us to crash and burn; he wants us to reflect his glory to the world, to speak forth His truth and demonstrate, manifest to the nations. We must clean our windshields to see what He sees, to hear what He says, to do what He wants us to do.  We must believe what He is telling us and act on that.

   “If you don't clean your windshields you will just sit in your car and be taken where you don't want to go. Your nation will be taken to very bad places, instead of to where I want you to go. The paths are diametrically different from one another.  You don't have to stay in the car with the dirty windshield and be driven by others where I don't want you to go. I want you to be free. The Truth, as I have told you, will set you free.

My gifts are Victory and Triumph, gifts of Mercy, gifts of Resetting to the original Covenant of your nation with Me. Gifts of Deliverance, gifts of Revival, gifts of Justice and and Vindication. Fling them from on high,” says the Lord.  Rejoice, rejoice, believers and let your light appear! Proclaim from the rooftops, from the highest places, that I am delivering you.  I am freeing you in the name of my Son, Jesus Christ! Proclaim my truth, proclaim my gifts and see me flinging them from high places, flinging them out, seeing them burst open to the people.  Receive them, believe them, and rejoice!” 


Friday, December 11, 2020

Another kind of seeing

So this morning, the joke was on me. I was thanking the Lord for so many blessings, especially having children and their spouses who love Him and one another. I do not take that for granted in any way, especially when I listen to the heartbreaking stories of other mothers and fathers, for whom I pray. 

After I write my prayers, I usually take another color pen 🖊 and listen, trying to accurately record what He wants to say to me. I know that I don’t always get it right. I sometimes write what I think He’s going to say. When I realize that (pretty quickly), I cross it out and get quiet,waiting. He often then says something that makes me laugh, and I know, then, it’s from Him. I don’t make myself laugh.

Today, after I erased what I had first written, He said He wasn’t offended but was glad I was Seeing what I was doing and He was happy that I was  Seeing the blessings He had sent. He always wants me to See His Reality over and above the ‘masked’ world I am going in and out of each day....like walking through a cloudy curtain from a clear, sparkling world and back again.

You have to read my previous blog post to get the Seeing joke. I hope you will, if you haven’t already. A good laugh ‘does good like medicine,’ especially when it’s from your ABBA.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Seeing what God sees

A dear friend needs prayer for the healing of her lungs. The Lord told me to picture her breathing in His Holy Spirit and being healed while doing so. I heard about her need for prayer as I was praying for our nation. After guiding me to picture her healed by breathing Him in, the Lord showed me an analogous prayer for our wounded and suffering land:

“In the same way you are now picturing Mary breathing in My Holy Spirit and being healed, picture your nation breathing in My Spirit and being restored and redeemed; healed of fractures, treachery, lies, and immorality, of evil fruit of all kinds...delivered, pure, and at peace.”

I have learned from Andrew Wommack’s teachings, including his series on Imagination, that He calls us to picture in our minds what He sees, to picture His will accomplished. Biblical meditation can also be translated imagination. Not the fantasy, wishful-thinking of current parlor, but a means of decreeing and asserting His Word and His Will

In order to accomplish this, we cannot spend time watching, seeing and listening to what man says, or we will be like two horses pulling in opposite directions, getting nowhere. Let’s turn off our televisions, close our mouths to rehearsing what is wrong, and close our apps, except those prophetic visions, testimonies, and intercessions which foster His Reality. As difficult as it is to hold not only faith in our hearts but belief in our minds, we are called to persevere, to persistently speak forth, both in the Spirit and in Our native language. To  see and say what Adonai Elohim...the Great I Am says, sees, and wills.

Amen and amen, to the ages of ages...Amen

Monday, October 26, 2020

The Candle and the flame

 I spent a long, hot, sweaty weekend sharing a booth at an outdoor market, trying to sell my books*, cards, and paintings. I sold no art and only two books over two very long days, with the second being a mercy purchase by one of the event planners.  There was a carnival incorporated at the Octoberfest, and it unexpectedly sucked the people to the rides and away from the vendors, much to the vendors’ (and organizers’) dismay.

I WAS able to hand out cards and flyers for my two books(online), which I pray will bear fruit.  It’s not just the loss of the money invested, but the desire to share God’s heart with people through these books (and art). I feel strongly that He inspired me to create them, so it was discouraging to spend all that time and effort and appear to get nowhere.  

Thankfully, God had warned me before the event not to be become discouraged but to simply be faithful and persistent, and that His economy was not the same as the world's.  I have to confess to still waking up discouraged.  He knew I needed a ‘nugget’ from Him, and as usual He was faithful to encourage me... with this: 

Hmmm...a candle, ok.  Significance? It's not lit.

Somehow the light in the room is making the candle appear to be alight.  As I write this, it still 'burns'. "Ok, God.  Tell me what this means."

"The candle is a reminder of what I can do supernaturally, far above what you can do in the natural. You didn't light that candle but yet it appears to be lit, and is, indeed, shining forth. Don't rely on what you see and experience with your senses. Visualize...SEE in your mind's eye, your imagination, what I Am doing--what I SEE in the spiritual realm.  Believe it. Have faith to see it come to pass."

"Cool. Thank you. You are so kind and gracious. Help me SEE what You SEE.


*Who You Are and Let All Creation Rejoice! [Bearfoot Books for the Shepherd @JEddyWales]

Friday, September 18, 2020

The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit

    As I prepared to share some thoughts at church about hearing directly from God, rather than depending on our own insights and understanding, a phrase from Scripture popped into my head. Our church often quotes this as part of the blessing and dismissal at the end of the service:

 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.   [2 Corinthians 13-14]

   I’ve heard this verse from Paul quoted my whole life, but it was only then that it struck me what a privilege that is...to fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Truly this is what prayer—including listening,  conversing and simply being in His Presence—is all about. Fellowship can also involve having fun with others and joking around, enjoying making them laugh....sharing a meal, listening to their deepest thoughts, being quiet together, getting to know their personality...their likes and dislikes, their tender hearts, their ‘take’ on issues, what hurts them the most, what makes them happy. 

   Deep fellowship develops over a long period of time by being with someone on a regular basis. You can have fun with others with whom you don’t talk often or know very well. However, that relationship, while enjoyable, will remain superficial if you never learn their true hearts. 

   When Paul prayed we’d have the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, I’m sure he knew that every other blessing would flow out of that relationship.  For the Jews, fellowship with the Holy Spirit being possible for every believer was a recent and radical change, a gift given by Jesus when He ascended to heaven. Prior to this time, it was for a few chosen individuals. We should never take this incredible gift for granted...and most definitely never leave it lying abandoned in a drawer.  Let’s blow the dust off and open it with reverence and delight for the treasure it is. If we hold it up to our ear, like a conch shell at seaside, we’ll hear the Shepherd calling.me thoughts at church about hearing directly from God, rather than depending on our own insights and understanding, a phrase from Scripture popped into my head. Our church often quotes this as part of the blessing and dismissal at the end of the service:

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.   [2 Corinthians 13-14]

   I’ve heard this verse from Paul quoted my whole life, but it was only then that it struck me what a privilege that is...to fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Truly this is what prayer—including listening,  conversing and simply being in His Presence—is all about. Fellowship can also involve having fun with others and joking around, enjoying making them laugh....sharing a meal, listening to their deepest thoughts, being quiet together, getting to know their personality...their likes and dislikes, their tender hearts, their ‘take’ on issues, what hurts them the most, what makes them happy. 

   Deep fellowship develops over a long period of time by being with someone on a regular basis. You can have fun with others with whom you don’t talk often or know very well. However, that relationship, while enjoyable, will remain superficial if you never learn their true hearts. 

   When Paul prayed we’d have the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, I’m sure he knew that every other blessing would flow out of that relationship.  For the Jews, fellowship with the Holy Spirit being possible for every believer was a recent and radical change, a gift given by Jesus when He ascended to heaven. Prior to this time, it was for a few chosen individuals. We should never take this incredible gift for granted...and most definitely never leave it lying abandoned in a drawer. Let’s blow the dust off  the box and open it with reverence and delight for the treasure it is. If we hold it up to our ear, like a conch shell at seaside, we’ll hear the Shepherd calling.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Listening to God directly

In today's blog, (Surprise by Sweetness), I referred to sharing in church about the importance of listening to God and keeping that intimate relationship with him.  For those interested, here is the first 10 minutes of the talk..  (You'll have to turn your volume way up and/or use earbuds.  We didn't plan in advance on recording it, so it's a phone recording.)  I will be posting an outline of the rest at:  https://thechapeldowntown.org/watch%2C-listen%2C-read, if you would like to see more later.  



Surprised by Sweetness

    I was feeling all yucky inside, with all the ‘stuff’ happening and the sickening words and actions of the times. Just yesterday I had spoken in church about the crucial need for listening to God directly, rather than relying on our own or other people’s understanding. For decades I have used those little speckled journals to listen and try to write down (by 'taking dictation’) what He says, as best I can. 

   Writing down has helped me stay focused, with my thoughts zinging around my mind and external distractions calling out to me.  If there’s ever been a time to commit to significant times of listening to the Holy Spirit, it’s now. Yet sometimes it’s difficult to quiet our souls to just be with Him and listen. To persist until His voice breaks through and begins to flow in our minds. 

   This morning was a challenge to LIVE what I advised just yesterday. I was tempted to just give up and start the rest of my day. Thankfully, I didn’t. His deep peace descended, and He told me to ‘soak my dry bones in His Spirit...His ‘abiding place,’ to absorb His life-giving nutrients’. “Let me refresh your mind," He said..."wash, wash, wash (image of a washing machine), cleansing it from the ‘stuff’ that has attached itself. “

   I can only describe what I then experienced as a sweetness which came to me. It was like hearing a tender Christmas carol and smelling the scent of evergreen,  while tucked up on the sofa in front of a lighted tree. "Oh yeah, that's what that feels like...purity, innocence, and peace all rolled into one.  I'd forgotten."  The Holy Spirit is the source of all that is pure and beautiful and life-giving.

   At the same time that I was trying to listen to Him, sweet and creative ideas were flowing faster than I could record them. “Are these distractions, Lord?” I asked. “I’m trying to pay attention to what you’re saying!”

“I know creative ideas are flowing all around you,” He answered...“faster than you can pull them out of the water.. When you place yourself inside My Stream, they will flow continually along with and around you. They always exist there by My creative Nature. You will be like Lucy and Ethel at the chocolate factory!”

“You are SO funny, Lord.  And a pun on 'sweetness', too? Really?"

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Is God a 'deadheader'?

  One of the pots I have hanging on my deck is a combination of plants I’ve been nourishing from wee things. It contains three types of plants, one of which has large blooms that take days before they wilt and require pruning. Two others have tiny blossoms which bloom all along the stems.  I had been pruning the bigger pansies in another pot on a regular basis so they would flourish with new blooms. But the tiny flowers I left on their own. It seemed too much work to deadhead every wee flower.

   However, I began to notice that my Alpine Calamint plant was looking a little pathetic, with brown stretches and pretty flowers only evident here and there or at the end of the stalk. I realized then that I should be deadheading those, also, no matter the time it took. I had to be extremely careful to remove the dead flowers without disturbing the tiny ones in bloom. The results of my efforts showed within just a few days, as the plant began to flourish with abundant flowers all over its branches.

   Much has been written about the pruning process and its analogous connection to our spiritual growth, most importantly by Jesus, Himself.*  What struck me this time, however, as I was removing these tiny dead flowers, was how much tender patience was required. Scripture says that even “a bruised reed He will not break...and a barely flickering wick He will not put out.”**  I hadn’t thought about this aspect of His character in relation to pruning. How carefully and tenderly He tends and prunes us, without damaging our vulnerable blooms. He nurtures us when we look sickly, by removing the dead stuff in such a way that, although we may feel the twinges, nothing beautiful is destroyed in the process. 

   A less patient gardener might find it more efficient to just lob off portions of the live with the dead, knowing that he wouldn’t kill the whole plant. Many a time I have found myself saying, “Whoops, sorry about that, little plant!” An expedient loss or two for most gardeners would be no big deal. But our Gardener will not even break off a bruised reed, where there is struggling life still in it. He takes consummate, painstaking care of the tiniest details of our growth. With Him, nothing and no one is expendable.

   The One who created intricate details in the countless variety of flowers, which bloom today and wither soon after, still hovers tenderly over them. Rejoice that you are of much greater value than these and that He wants you to flourish, not just in this temporary life, but forever. You are His prized creation, Tell Him you're grateful for His careful pruning even when you sometimes feel as if you'd rather He left you alone, with the dead stuff still hanging on. You'll give Him a chuckle.


*He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. --John 15:2

**He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. --Isaiah 42:3

Friday, August 7, 2020

Fear and two lions

   Did you watch the newer Jumanji movie? That’s not usually my genre of choice, but I enjoyed not only its humor, but some Biblical analogies I found there.  1Peter 5:8 warns us that our Enemy prowls about like a roaring lion seeking someone he may devour. That image seems even more vivid in current times, doesn’t it?

   The thing is, we can’t be devoured unless we agree to to it. We can never be his tasty meal unless we don’t know who we are as believers in Yeshua. In Jumanji, the ‘weakling’ character in real life becomes the super strong hero within the app. When he is about to be attacked, he freezes in fear and at first fails to fight back. He doesn’t remember  who he is. Suddenly he remembers that the man whose identity he has assumed has all kinds of strength and skill to defeat his attacker. It is only then he is successful in defeating his enemy. 
   I believe that happens with us. We allow fear to paralyze us. Fear of present times. Fear of future times.. Fear of speaking out. Fear of man’s opinion. Fear of illness. Fear of what will happen if certain groups take control of our country. Fear for our children and grandchildren. Fear of what kind of death we might die. Fear of that roaring lion. 

   However, it is the great Lion of Judah in whom our trust is securely placed. The other lion’s image is but an illusion, a hologram projected to frighten us into the kind of fear that causes us to leave our weapons lying useless at our sides. The kind of fear that can make us forget who we are. Like the character in Jumanji, we need to wake up to our true identity in Christ and stand up with confidence,  putting on the armor of Christ which He has given us. They are not just defensive weapons but offensive ones. Attired in our identifying  uniform, we find the hologram has as its source only a sickly cat, artificially magnifying its voice like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. 

   Another point of note in the movie as well as in Scripture, is that humility comes before success. Knowing who we are, in and of ourselves, places us in a position to stand up tall in the power coming only
from the Great Lion, the King of Kings.

   Yank that curtain back and unmask the imposter.  He does everything he can to keep us from knowing who he really is, because then we will know that we hold all the power.  Believe it, use it, and speak it forth, mighty ones!
Matthew 8:26-27
FYI...I recently re-read The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis, the final book in The Chronicles of Narnia series. I highly recommend a current reading, in light of current revelatory events. For example, note that there is not only an imitation Aslan, but also another creature, thinking he has the real power, manipulating behind the scenes. Ultimately, that creature himself is swallowed whole by an evil greater than he. However, as you well know, that is not the end of the story. Further up and further in, everyone!

Friday, July 31, 2020

This lane open

I thought I’d share a short laugh from our Father this morning. He shared an image with me of a grocery store with long lines of socially distanced people. He called out This lane wide open! No need for distancing! No need for less than 10 items of concern! Step right up! There are three Persons all working that lane together, by the way, all with smiles and no masks.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


 As I continue this year’s journey through Exodus, I have to force myself to slow down and picture what I’m reading...to visualize and imagine. In past readings, I confess to having buzzed through the detailed instructions for the Tabernacle.  Since I’m In 2020 (what, really?) I can search online for pictures, where others have done the work of drawing, painting, modeling the Ark of the Covenant, the acacia wood altar, and each aspect of the Tabernacle in the wilderness.  Some have even added their interpretations of the meaning behind the minute instructions and squeezed them into their pictures. Amazing! Thanks, guys!

Meanwhile, I need to stop, picture, imagine, question, and listen for myself. “What new insights do You want to share with me about these Old Testament events, Lord? What do you want me to learn or do in response to this concept of Tabernacling in the wilderness? Sometimes I try to draw an element like the lampstand for myself, even though skilled artists have already done so. It’s been interesting that the slow, manual process of drawing has created a settling of my mind and spirit to better listen for what He has to say.
Come Tabernacle with Me....come Tabernacle with Me in this dry wilderness of 2020. Amidst the chaos and lawlessness and lies and dearth of Truth, you will find my oasis, My Tent of Meeting. There is flowing, bubbling, peaceful, life-giving water here. “Draw near with faith”and without fear. You no longer have to be afraid...fearful to perform everything perfectly.. Be reverent, but not afraid. Honor Me with holy awe but love Me as your ABBA. Never forget the gift you have been given by My Son...that you may come to Me in this way.  Stop awhile in the Old Testament to fully appreciate the New. Understand how fear and trepidation have been replaced by My Shalom....that which I have desired for you since I created my son 
Adam and daughter Eve and placed them in the Garden with that very Shalom of provision, wholeness, intimacy, and blessing. Redemption, Reconciliation,  Restoration are now available to all who are willing to receive them.

Never take My gifts for granted. Never receive them flippantly or lightly, but reverently, with deep appreciation and awareness.  Hold them, as you would a fragile bird or delicate flower in your hand. Note every vivid detail, every facet...and be filled with awe. Fall on your knees in gratefulness. Better yet, fall into My arms. This was My desire all along.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Here am I...(Rabbit Ears, Part II)

When I hear the phrase Here am I, I immediately think of Samuel, who heard God whisper his name. [Samuel 3:4] It took three times for Samuel (and Eli) to realize that it was God calling him. However, I never remembered that Moses responded the same way when God called out to him. [Exodus 3:4]  I usually think of him as a reluctant and insecure prophet. However, at least he was listening well enough to hear God call to him. Before that time, Jacob was twice called out to by ‘the Angel’ and responded,  “Here I am.” [Genesis 31 & Genesis 46] Even earlier,  Abraham, when God called to him first to sacrifice his precious son of promise and then to refrain from it, also said “Here I am.”  [Genesis 22:1, 11] (I think I would have held my hands over my ears and wobbled my head, saying, I can’t hear you!)

Call and response.. All of these individuals responded (at least ultimately) with faith and obedience. Well, Moses...stalled quite awhile before agreeing to be ‘sent’. I think I identify best with Moses.  “Hey, God, I have a better idea. Why don’t you send my brother...yeah, send him. He’s a much better speaker. I don’t think anyone, especially Pharaoh, will pay any attention to me. I’d really rather stay here and tend the flocks, if you don’t mind. Yeah, Mikey will do it!” (Sorry, younger friends...it’s an old cereal commercial reference.)

I, like Moses, am intimidated by all the positively demonic attitudes of ranting and violent people, including friends, whose downright hatred for my beliefs is beyond irrational. I would rather hide out in my cocoon and plug my ears.  However, God has not stopped calling. What He specifically calls us to say and do will vary. But He doesn’t want our fear of man to cause us to pretend we can’t hear Him. “Lord, did You say something? I must have been distracted.”  Yes, by fear and panic. I just want to be content and cozy, Lord. Aren’t there other people whom You can ask to go out there and make a difference?  After all, I’m retired! And You know I hate it when people are mad at me.  Poor excuse? Yes, I remember You saying something about people hating me who hate You. But now people hate me who don’t hate you. They believe in you! Oh, right, that part about deception in the latter days....Ok. I am without excuse, aren’t I? Do I want to partner with You to bring people to You and have their eyes opened to Your Truth? To see the delusion they’re under? Yes, Lord. Yes. Even though the war within me rages to remain hidden away. The real tending of sheep is not for wimps, is it? Any Shepherd will tell of the courage required. Ok. Can I do it afraid, as Joyce Meyer says? Right, got it. As long as You’re with me, telling me what to say or do and when to say it. And also how to pray. You promised to do all that? Yes, You did, didn’t you? Rabbit ears? Ok....
Here am I. Send me.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Rabbit Ears

I love to have my prayer time on the porch and listen to all the birds, living in the trees surrounding us. I’ve wondered from which bird each call, song, or cry emanated. So I downloaded an app called BirdNet. I record the birds and then ask the app to analyze and identify the source, if it’s able. So far it’s identified about a dozen birds.  

The challenge in recording is to capture the quieter bird songs between the raucous calls of the crow and the scrub jay. This caused me to ponder what it is like for our Heavenly Father, with billions of voices calling out...some directly to Him and many just plaintively calling.  They don’t realize He hears their every whisper and every inaudible cry.

The Lord knows every one of our voices, as well as the number of hairs on our head.* He longs to have a two-way conversation with us. He hears the human equivalent of the soft coo of a dove at the exact same time as the unlovely cry of the raven. One does not drown out the other. In fact, He recognizes every individual dove, jay, towhee, swallow, starling, and robin as distinct from one another. You are not just part of a species and genus to Him, but rather a creature like no other. He hears every personality-filled call.

But do we hear His? Do we recognize the voice of the Shepherd amidst the cacophony of world events, social media posts, movies, television broadcasts, and conversations with friends and strangers? Do we listen intently amidst the fears, anxieties, dread, rationalizations, and even happy diversions of our minds?

When I was young, my mother called me rabbit ears. She and my father could be whispering 2 rooms away, and I would ask them questions about their conversation. “How do you DO that?” they would ask me. The Lord reminded me of this recently. 

I want you to have rabbit ears again, He said. 
What, Lord?, I replied with consternation.
Rabbit ears...remember? I want you to to listen so intently for me that you can hear me through all the noise and chaos of the world around you, especially when I seem far away..  Even through the fears and anxieties of your soul. It is vital now that you do, and even more so in the future. It will help if you turn off the secular external audio input. However, there’s no OFF switch for the internal voices, except through the power of My Holy Spirit. Tune those rabbit ears to My frequency and fine tune your reception. I AM above the circumstances in which you live, and you can be, too. But you must stay finely tuned.

Spend more time feeding yourself with the good food of My Word, by discerning teaching, and most of all by praying in My Spirit. Your rabbit ear growth comes from these...from My very Presence.  Live higher.  You will hear My whisper in your ear.
My sheep listen to mu voice; I know them and they follow me.  --John 10:27

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.[a] And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.    --Matthew 10:29-31
You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.
You hem me in behind and before,
    and you lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too lofty for me to attain. ...

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when I awake, I am still with you.
--Psalm 139: 1-6; 17-18

Monday, May 4, 2020

Soul composition scale

Since before the quarantine, I’ve been trying to use weights and do aerobic exercise each day. As my birthdays increase, so do my weight struggles. I want to be strong and healthy for the last part of my race, and a sedentary life is a great temptation in retirement. My recliner is such a temptress.

I know having strong muscles helps in this regard, so I’ve been trying to track my fat vs muscle percentage using a body composition scale.  This tells me more of the truth than a scale that simply measures my overall weight.  The scale works by sending a low-power electrical signal through the lower part of the body. The signal passes through water and muscle faster than fat and bone, so it comes up with a formula to summarize your fat, hydration, and muscle percentages.

I was frustrated and discouraged this morning because I’ve been improving and regressing every few days.  It makes me want to just give in and walk to the Dunkin’ Donuts down the street. However, the Lord reminded me this morning that He’s more concerned with the fat percentage in my soul. He wants me to keep a perspective and focus consistent with His. Although He wants our bodies, His temple, healthy and strong, “a fatty heart is more concerning than a fatty body.”  A fatty soul can impede the signal of His Holy Spirit flowing in and through us to others.

When we get caught up making minor issues major ones...or we focus more on what is wrong with our lives than on our blessings...with our discouragement more than our victories...or we let an offense take up residence and root us in the cement of  unforgiveness...or we plop ourselves in the muddy puddles of regret...our soul composition makes it more difficult for the Holy Spirit to move through us in transforming ways.

Let’s make it our goal to become “lean, mean, fighting machines” in the spiritual realm, as well as in our bodies. We are called to be Warriors* after all. We may actually fight best in our recliners, if we’re praying in the Spirit while we’re there.  But no matter what area of our Trinity of Man is sidetracking us...body, soul, or spirit...let’s determine to “cast aside everything which hinders us”*  and impedes the flow of the will of God in our lives.  He’s waiting and excited to show us, including making use of household analogies.
**Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. —Hebrews 12:1

*2 Timothy 2:3-4

Monday, April 27, 2020

“May my meditation be sweet”

I’m in the Psalms once again. After countless readings, I still find myself saying, “Was this Really always here?” Today I stepped into Psalm 104 and was so profoundly affected that it was like a drama unfolding before my eyes, and they filled with tears.  There is so much in this Psalm, that I could camp here for days. And I think I will do just that.  I want my meditation to be sweet so that I bless Him. Bless the Lord, O my soul! I want to see His creation with new eyes of wonder and awe and thank Him with great joy and rejoicing.

In a notebook separate from my prayer journal, I have been recording psalm verses under various categories, such as The Goodness of God, Who He Is, Joy, When in Trouble, Images of God, Praise, Testimony, Creation Praising Him, and Prayers for the President.  In some psalms, there are verses for all these categories....from Trouble to Praise.

In a previous post, Conception, I mentioned my attempts to draw scenes from Scripture and to depict the relationship with the Lord they encourage...the images of God they paint, and the intimacy that blesses Him.  How can I show Him covering Himself with light like a garment and stretching out the heavens like a curtain, or watering the earth or feeding us out of His hand...or filling the earth with riches and creatures? I can certainly paint in my mind, though my sketching skills be lacking.

Scripture adjures us to “read, mark, and inwardly digest” it. As it ‘goes down,’ it can sometimes burn like a fire, as well as bringing peace.  It can foment your soul, if you let it.  It can put you on your face, from which position you find Yeshua’s hand extended to lift you up.  As long as I have breath, I want to praise Him...truly, madly, deeply.

As we ask the Holy Spirit to stir us up, to inspire and energize us out of our spiritual and physical lethargies, He will be faithful to answer.  In this time of quarantine, it is easy to become sluggish not only in body, but in spiritual fervor. I have felt this inertia on both counts, this deadening of my spirit. Truly, it can be the exact opposite if we ask Him to wake us up and spur us to chase after Him, laughing and rejoicing. Tag, you’re it!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Pebbles and The Rock

Remember what it’s like to walk on a ‘beach’ of small rocks and pebbles? You’re always trying to keep your balance, as they move around under your weight.  If you’re wearing flip-flops, it’s even more difficult to remain stable.

This morning the Lord gave me that image to reflect where people are looking for their stability in this time of pandemic panic and uncertainty.  Relying not just on medicine, but on connections with other human beings has , for some, become the holy grail of ultimate value.  It reminds me of Christmas shows which tell us that Christmas is all about family and friendships.  It all sounds so good and warm and cozy, but its foundation is mush.

On this Holy Thursday, when devoted human beings denied and deserted our Lord, we realize again that even the best of human beings will disappoint, will fail in a test of faithfulness. We have all done so and we will do so again, despite our deep desire to the contrary.

Pebbles appear to be rocks, but you can’t trust them for stability. Only The Rock is solid underneath you. Those who don't yet know Who Jesus is, are looking for someone or something to provide what only He can.  What a great time to share with friends and acquaintances about the Rock of Ages.  

There’s an openness in people’s hearts right now, as they feel powerless in what seems like an unreal situation. And, indeed, all earthly circumstances are unreal, compared to the Reality of God’s Truth. As we’re tempted to just hunker down in our homes, let’s reach out of them like never before and take advantage of this Kairos time for drawing people to the King of Kings; the Lord of Lords; the Shepherd of our Souls; our Rock, Fortress, and Deliverer.   

Family is one of God’s greatest gifts, as are our friends. But we need to help others understand that “though  our father and mother forsake us, [He] will receive us. [Psalm 27:10]. That as it says in Deuteronomy 31:6-8, He goes with us and before us, and as Paul quotes this in Hebrews 13:5, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. 

Humans with the best of intentions can be like a dry, bent stick when it comes to salvation in any sense of the word.  Or to return to the other analogy...seek to help those in your circle of influence not to rely on unstable pebbles instead of The Rock, or on warm, mushy ground instead of The Sure Foundation.  I’m asking God for courage to do the same.

The fields are ripe for harvest. [John 4:35]. Let not the workers be few. [Matthew 9:37]

Friday, March 27, 2020

Lying down

When was the last time you read...really read the 23rd Psalm? Better yet, have you prayed it, read it out loud, or turned it into a prayer of Thanksgiving?  Try speaking it, as if you've never heard it before.  Make it personal...from you to the Lord:

   “Lord, You are my tender Shepherd.  Because of You, I’ll never lack anything I truly need. You remind me to lie down on cultivated fresh, soft grass, beside Your restful water of life. You restore me inside and out...my body, my mind, my emotions. You have sealed Your powerful and comforting Spirit within me, where no one can ever take it from me.  I am Yours forever.

   When I am afraid or face attack from any enemy, in human or spiritual form, You care for me right there in the midst of it, right in front of it all.  Even when I walk through fearful times and places, You are with me; your protective rod and guiding staff give me comfort and reassurance that I need not fear. Your Truth overrides all factual circumstances. I need never fear anything or anyone, because You never leave or forsake me.

   You pour the oil of Your Shalom over my head and gently rub it into the infected and wounded places.  Your provision for me  is gloriously abundant, so much so that I can’t even contain it all, and the overflow floods out onto other people.Dear Lord, You are good, tender-hearted, gracious, merciful, and full of lovingkindness.  Your nature causes these blessings to even chase after me, when I am running in the wrong direction, looking to the world around me to still my fears and satisfy my needs.  Forgive me for looking away from the light of Your countenance to any idol of my heart.

   You suffered incomprehensibly for me, not only to give me abundant life now, but so that I could be with You, dwell with You, that we might never be separated from one another forever...and ever...and ever.....The vocabulary of chronology is totally insufficient to describe Your great promises, Faithful One.

   How can I ever thank you enough for all this? You tell me...Lie down; accept and receive; be thankful; and love Me back....  Yes, Lord.  Amen, so be it.


"Goodness and grace will pursue me every day of my life...."  --Psalm 23:6; CJB
"Fear not, little flock, for the Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom."  --Luke 12:22

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Power of Conception

Most of us know by heart Paul’s instruction to be transformed by the renewing of your mind [Romans 12:12].  Recently, I’ve been listening to eye-opening teaching on this subject by people such as Barry Bennett (Conception in Your Heart); Andrew Wommack (series on Imagination); Duane Sheriff (Orlando o Gospel Truth Conference 2019, multiple sessions).  My own conception of this verse is now so much greater than before.  [See also my post, Ministering to the Lord].

The term imagination has been pretty much relegated to the realm of fantasy.  Their interpretation, however, based on the Greek and Hebrew understanding of the original text, involves transforming your mind by seeing what God sees, seeing what God says...envisioning His will for you and for His kingdom, whether through His written Word or His Rhema Word.  He wants us to turn our eyes from what we can see, touch, and hear in the natural world, and from our feelings and circumstances; and see, instead, the Truth beyond what our western world calls the facts of the situation.

Ever since I started listening to teachings explaining the power of Conception (in both senses of the word) , I’ve begun to see new insights in my daily Scripture readings, as well as in my prayer time. I’ve often stopped and tried to visualize the situations taking place in the Bible (see through the eyes of the participants, etc.). In fact, it has stirred up questions in me for the Lord. I’ll ask Him, “Why this?” Or “Why that?” or “How is this possible, Lord?” Or “What did you mean by this? I don’t
understand!”  I’ve found He loves questions; it means we’re truly delving in and trying to understand at a deeper level. Some days I don’t make it past a single verse in my Scripture reading.

As mentioned in a previous post, the word Yetser has been translated: frame, conception, imagination, and meditation.  When I didn’t make it past one verse and was trying to paint a picture of the statement or event in my mind, I was meditating, imagining, trying to conceive it. When we apply faith and belief to conception, we’re in a position to conceive (or give birth to) what God says and desires to become a reality in this physical world:  from Spirit manifested into physical reality.  His Reality, His Truth is so much greater than anything our ’unrenewed’ minds can conceive (in either sense of the word).  Ah, but when our minds are renewed and transformed by meditation on and conception of what He says, then we begin to see the fulfillment of what He promised:  “you shall do greater works than these...”; “all things are possible for those who believe...”; “you shall say to this mountain...”; “by His stripes you were and are healed...”

In a previous post, I encouraged us all to try to draw on paper what we’re trying to conceive, whether with stick figures or with artistic skill.  The Father loves the heart of what you’re trying to depict.  He isn’t concerned about the level of your artistic talent.  (Remember the pictures your children brought you?). Draw pictures of yourself with Yeshua, with the Father, with the Holy Spirit. Draw a scenfrom the Bible. Draw something beautiful from His creation and thank Him for it. Draw a memory of an encounter with Him (at any age). Create drawings of thanksgivings. Paint scenes of how the Word describes Him (your refuge, your shield, your strong tower, your delight, your Father, your shepherd, your mother hen; singing over you.  Look for images of Him in the Word and record them in a journal. Then gradually draw them one by one.  Trust me; He’ll love them.

Imagine people who are currently struggling: now imagine them (with faith and belief in your heart) whole, happy, and fruitful.  Imagine marriages, finances, health, and every other aspect of people’s lives, including your own, in a state of Shalom, in  wholeness in every sense.  Conceive, envision, depict, meditate on what God sees, wants, and desires to become manifest...and what He has already accomplished in the spiritual realm at the Atonement.  “It is accomplished.”  Not just for one day in heaven, but for now.

If you’re interested in listening to the teachings referenced at the beginning of this post, you can go to YouTube and search the names of the people,  along with a search term  like “conception” or “imagination. If you have Roku, you can add Andrew Wommack Ministries channel to it. There you’ll find all his teachings, including the one on Imagination, as well as titles like God Wants You Well, Believer’s Authority, the Balance of Grace and Faith, Spirit, Soul, and Body, and many others.  If you have any difficulty finding any videos , please be sure to comment on this post  with a question,  or email or fb message me.  Don’t be offended if a video challenges your current understandings. They did mine, but I am utterly convinced, now, of their truth. Look at their fruits in massive signs and wonders taking place. (“By their fruit you shall know them.”). Personally, I am more interested in pleasing God than in guarding my own spiritual pride.)

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ministering to the Lord

In my January 30th post, we were exploring Chronicles, and I broached the subject of what it might mean to minister to the Lord as New Testament believers. So I’ve been exploring and asking the Lord what that really means. In some ways, it is akin to my search for what pleases God. [posts 11/8-11/13].

Personally, I am in what my friend Joan W. refers to as a time of  'betwixt and between.'*  In a new geographic location, having moved away from my previous ministry as worship leader (and occasional teacher) at a wonderful little 'manger' of a church, I am unsure how and where and what the Lord wants me doing, now that I'm retired from full-time work.

However, as I read repeated references to 'ministering to the Lord,' I heard the Lord say, "Why don't you focus on ministering to Me?  I enjoy your ministry.  I figured I must have made that up in my head, because why would the God Who created the solar system and universe upon universe need or want 'ministry' from little me...or from anyone?

The truth is, according to His Word, He is blessed by our loving on Him.  All of us.  Want to 'lead worship,' encouraging intimacy with the Lord by the music you choose?  Sing to Him, all by yourself.   Want an outlet for what you're learning from Him?  Tell Him how excited you are about what you're learning.  Want to create beautiful paintings of His creation?  Draw pictures of you and Him together.

I am a consummate stick figure artist.  Yet, God has been guiding me in expressing the love I have for Him (and He for me) through little sketches no one but He sees. We laugh together over them, but He isn't ridiculing my attempts. He tells me He enjoys my art.  He'll do the same for you.  (I found a really good eraser..not those awful ones on the end of pencils.)  He'll say, "Try it this way."

He's opened my eyes to what is around me so that individual elements in His creation almost vibrate before me as He calls my attention to them.  I tell Him, "Wow, Lord, that flower is such an amazing work of art!  Look at the detailing!  I want to draw that.  My efforts may be woefully inadequate, but my heart sincerely desires to express how lovely I find this world in which He lovingly placed us.

We take walks together.  Sometimes I forget He's with me, as my mind wanders around.  I tell Him I'm sorry I forgot He was there by my side.  I don't want to forget...ever.  Sometimes he directs me down certain streets so I discover hidden spots of quiet beauty.  He'll do it for you.

Sometimes we dance. He will dance with you as if there's no one else in the world.

Just let Him know you want to 'love on Him' in ways that please and minister Him.  He enjoys us.  He enjoys interacting with us, as true friends do.  Not everything is of cosmic import to Him.  He likes being with us, laughing with us, playing jokes on us, and drawing out the unique personalities, gifts, and eccentricities He created in us.  He likes to have fun with us.

Ministering to the Lord is, yes, praise.  It's telling Him how much You appreciate Him, not only for what He's done, but for Who He is. It's sincere and devoted worship. It's affectionate reverence.  It's pushing aside other demands to spend 'devotional' time with Him.  It's hungering after what He has to say to us, in both His written and spoken Word. It's loving on others in His Name.  But, most of all, I believe, it is getting to know Him more and more intimately, so that our lives are filled with ongoing interaction, spoken and unspoken, in joyful abandon to Who He is.

You might say, "I could never do those things you do.  It's just not me.  Well, just be you!  Ask the Lord to show you what He considers ministry to Him from you.  He only created one of you, and your experience with Him will be unique.  He doesn't want you to be anyone but you with Him.  But you might discover, when you stop predetermining what you can and can't do with Him, that He'll surprise you with a new form of Yetser.  [Translated in the Scriptures as all of these:  imagination, meditation, frame, and conception.]  Are you open to new conceptions as you minister to the Lord?
*Betwixt and Between, by Joan Weller
** Here are some Scriptures referring to 'ministering to the Lord.'  I can't put them all here, or you'd never get through them all. 

Psalm 17:15  15 As for me, I will continue beholding Your face in righteousness (rightness, justice, and right standing with You); I shall be fully satisfied, when I awake [to find myself] beholding Your form [and having sweet communion with You].
Psalm 16Keep and protect me, O God, for in You I have found refuge, and in You do I put my trust and hide myself.
I say to the Lord, You are my Lord; I have no good beside or beyond You.
5 The Lord is my chosen and assigned portion, my cup; You hold and maintain my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good heritage.
I will bless the Lord, Who has given me counsel; yes, my heart instructs me in the night seasons.
I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Therefore my heart is glad and my glory [my inner self] rejoices; my body too shall rest and confidently dwell in safety,

2 Chronicles 5:13-14 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

13 And when the trumpeters and singers were joined in unison, making one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord, and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and other instruments for song and praised the Lord, saying, For He is good, for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever, then the house of the Lord was filled with a cloud,
14 So that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.
2 Chronicles 6:41  41 So now arise, O Lord God, and come into Your resting place, You and the ark of Your strength and power. Let Your priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let Your saints (Your zealous ones) rejoice in good and in Your goodness.
2 Chronicles 30:
21 And the Israelites who were in Jerusalem kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days with great joy. The Levites and priests praised the Lord day by day, singing with instruments of much volume to the Lord.
27 Then the priests and Levites arose and blessed the people; and their voice was heard and their prayer came up to [God’s] holy habitation in heaven
2 Chronicles 31:2 And Hezekiah appointed the priests and the Levites after their divisions, each man according to his service, the priests and Levites for burnt offerings and for peace offerings, to minister, to give thanks, and to praise in the gates of the camp of the Lord.
2 Chronicles 29:27-28      "...the song of the Lord began also with the trumpets and with the instruments ordained by King David of Israel.
28 And all the congregation worshiped, the singers sang, and the trumpeters sounded; all this continued until the burnt offering was finished.
30 Also King Hezekiah and the princes ordered the Levites to sing praises to the Lord with the words of David and of Asaph the seer. And they sang praises with gladness and bowed themselves and worshiped.
31 Then Hezekiah said, Now you have consecrated yourselves to the Lord; come near and bring sacrifices and thank offerings into the house of the Lord.
1 Chronicles 6:32   

32 They ministered before the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting with singing until Solomon had built the Lord’s house in Jerusalem, performing their service in due order.

Exodus 40:34-35 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

34 Then the cloud [the Shekinah, God’s visible presence] covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle!
35 And Moses was not able to enter the Tent of Meeting because the cloud remained upon it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Ready to Jump On?

Remember those career days at school, where you could bring your parent in to share what he or she did for a living?  (In my school days in the 50’s and early 60’s,  it was pretty much just the dads.). This morning I was envisioning what it would be like to take my ABBA to school for career day.

Can’t you just picture holding his hand and introducing Him:  Hi everybody...this is my dad! He created the whole world and all the universes,  just by speaking! He keeps everything going, too! He is so good and kind and wise.  He’s the perfect dad. It might take Him quite awhile to tell you His job description, so maybe we should eat our lunches here in the classroom.  I’d like to say He’s just mine, but I know He wants to adopt all of you, too. So pay attention, everybody. He has the best job ever!

Are you proud of your Heavenly Father? Do you guard His reputation when people try to slander Him? Do you stand up for Him when His character is maligned? Are you more afraid of what others think of you than you are how God is regarded? I’ve had to ask myself these questions.

When people attribute illness and death to my Heavenly Father, do I speak up? When someone asks why He took a child or gave someone cancer as a teaching opportunity, am I quick to jump up and say, “Hey, that’s not my dad! He’s not like that! Don’t you say that about my daddy! He’s a good dad, a great dad. He would never do that!  [Obviously, He gives us mature ways of communicating that truth, but that attitude should be what rises up in us.]

As children, many of us were quick to praise and defend our earthly fathers, who were so very imperfect. Why do we not declare how good our perfect, Heavenly Father is, who gave everything for us so we could be with Him both in this life and forever? Why do we timidly stand back while even Christians slander him?  Is it because we’re uncertain about Who He really is and what He’s really like? Have we let doctrines and philosophies and circumstances dictate our understanding and replace our delving first-hand into His Word?  I know I have.

No more. I am seeking the truth about His nature as never before, and He, who always answers prayers for wisdom, has given me a seat in His Healing Academy of the Holy Spirit. I can’t get enough of these new understandings of His Word. Finally, after decades of setting certain Scriptures aside because I didn’t know what to do with them (“You shall do greater works than these....If you say to this mountain...”) my eyes are being opened to the hows and whys of what Jesus said.

Jesus didn’t say “...gotcha...just joking!” when He spoke those words. Neither does He toy with us and tell us to do things that are ridiculously impossible, although that’s what it had seemed like to me. There are people and ministries right now living out His statements with signs and wonders...massive numbers of healings, deliverances, resurrections from the dead...blind eyes opened, deaf ears hearing, the depressed freed, the addicted delivered, the paralyzed walking.  Greater works indeed! Yeshua doesn’t lie.

The proof is in the pudding, and you and I can enter in, if we’re willing to let go of our pride and be humble enough to learn.  To be more concerned about fulfilling God’s purposes in our lives than we are in our own comfort, or in leaning on our own understanding. To repent of being modern day Pharisees and, instead, say, “teach me, Lord!”  “I believe; help my unbelief!” “Show me my error. Let me see you as You really are. Forgive me for maligning Your character in my mind and heart and speech...and for being silent as others have done the same.  You are so Good. You want us well and provided for in body, soul, and spirit. You suffered and died not only for our sins to be forgiven, but for us to have everything we need for abundant lives here and now. We place ourselves in Your life-giving School of the Holy Spirit and say, ‘Lead us on!’”

If you want to join the class in which I'm currently a student, try listening to any of these people (searchable on YouTube), who are living out Jesus' first century call:  Andrew Wommack, Audrey Mack, Barry Bennett, Bill Johnson, Randy Clark, Todd White.  The eyes of your heart will be enlightened, as mine have been, and you'll never be the same, as you follow where Yeshua will take you.  Remember, humble yourself...and He will lift you up....  If you think you already know it all (you've read it, studied it, taught it, heard it all before)...you won't be able to receive the truth of it, by seeing new insights into His Word.