I’m in the Psalms once again. After countless readings, I still find myself saying, “Was this Really always here?” Today I stepped into Psalm 104 and was so profoundly affected that it was like a drama unfolding before my eyes, and they filled with tears. There is so much in this Psalm, that I could camp here for days. And I think I will do just that. I want my meditation to be sweet so that I bless Him. Bless the Lord, O my soul! I want to see His creation with new eyes of wonder and awe and thank Him with great joy and rejoicing.
In a notebook separate from my prayer journal, I have been recording psalm verses under various categories, such as The Goodness of God, Who He Is, Joy, When in Trouble, Images of God, Praise, Testimony, Creation Praising Him, and Prayers for the President. In some psalms, there are verses for all these categories....from Trouble to Praise.
In a previous post, Conception, I mentioned my attempts to draw scenes from Scripture and to depict the relationship with the Lord they encourage...the images of God they paint, and the intimacy that blesses Him. How can I show Him covering Himself with light like a garment and stretching out the heavens like a curtain, or watering the earth or feeding us out of His hand...or filling the earth with riches and creatures? I can certainly paint in my mind, though my sketching skills be lacking.
Scripture adjures us to “read, mark, and inwardly digest” it. As it ‘goes down,’ it can sometimes burn like a fire, as well as bringing peace. It can foment your soul, if you let it. It can put you on your face, from which position you find Yeshua’s hand extended to lift you up. As long as I have breath, I want to praise Him...truly, madly, deeply.
As we ask the Holy Spirit to stir us up, to inspire and energize us out of our spiritual and physical lethargies, He will be faithful to answer. In this time of quarantine, it is easy to become sluggish not only in body, but in spiritual fervor. I have felt this inertia on both counts, this deadening of my spirit. Truly, it can be the exact opposite if we ask Him to wake us up and spur us to chase after Him, laughing and rejoicing. Tag, you’re it!
I can relate to the slowing of inertia with having to stay at home. And spiritually I am also experiencing that slowing. God has been good to remind me to meditate and focus on Him once again. Looking forward to the refreshing this will bring. Thank you Julie.