Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tuning in to God's Frequency

   Last week I was listening to Robert Morris on Life Today. He has a new book entitled Frequency, which I haven't yet read but made a donation to their Water Well ministry to receive. (Life Outreach International ( is a ministry I highly recommend, by the way.)
   When I first heard the title, which is about listening to and hearing God's voice, I was thinking of frequency as referring to the amount of time we spend with Him.  However, it actually refers to 'tuning in' to God. As I was pondering that concept, God spoke something to me.  Here it is, as best I know, considering my Tuner sometimes goes in and out in the middle of a conversation.
   "Satan likes to keep his [station] number very close to Mine, right nearby so that a slight turn of the knob tunes his in, instead.  If you're tuned into condemnation, discouragement, guilt, or shame, your station has slipped into his. You can be sure it's not My Frequency. When I convict you, it will be in love. you will experience tenderness and compassion, even if it's a wake-up jolt or even a 'two-by-four. ' You will experience My Humor as I cause you to see the truth of your situation. When I expose you to yourself, you will still be covered by My Hand. I expose the truth to make you whole, not to embarrass or condemn or shame you. A Good Father would never do such a thing. He convicts and teaches to encourage change and right action. He respects, dignifies, treasures, and holds out Hope. Retune your station if you feel hopeless and condemned. You will always find My Station clear and strong, if you listen carefully for it."

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Morning read and share....