Monday, May 2, 2016

Are You Standing by With a Water Hose?

   Having just returned last evening from a Spirit-filled weekend I am unable to fully describe to You, I am once again in complete awe of our God. Why, I ask myself, should I be so astounded at what He can do...what He does do, in the lives of people who hunger after Him?  He has shown Himself faithful, shown Himself powerful, shown Himself tender-hearted and compassionate, time and time again. Why is it that I stand amazed, when He is doing the very thing He desires to do:  utterly transform lives in the lava flow of His sacrificial love? Yet my mouth hangs open, my sight transfixed, my mind boggled, as I gaze up at Him in awe and thankfulness at Who He is and how much He desires to pour out upon us.
   What keeps us from experiencing this tender mercy, indescribable peace, full-out belly laughter, and profound joy more often?  As Beth Moore says, both as individuals and as churches, we are too often waiting by the sidelines with a water hose, waiting to put out the Spirit's fire, should He get 'out of control.'  Ahhhh....what we are missing standing in the smoking embers.....

[1 Thessalonians 5:19]


Morning read and share....