I'm currently searching the Scriptures for every recorded question Yeshua asked. (More on that in a future post). In Matthew 20:30-34, two men who were blind called out to Him to have pity on them. "He asked, 'What do you want me to do for you?' They said, 'Open our eyes!' Filled with tenderness, Yeshua touched their eyes, and instantly they received their sight and followed Him." You know the story well. What caught my attention this time around was the phrase 'filled with tenderness.'
Yeshua didn't just heal people because that was what ADONAI sent Him to do....because it was His assignment, so to speak. He didn't heal person after person on the road to His death because it was in His job description from Isaiah. He was (and is) filled with compassion for us. Even the 'young ruler' who couldn't handle giving up his riches, was looked upon by Him with tender love (Mark 10:21). That part of the Scripture is often overlooked in teachings focusing on our own unwillingness to let go of those things which hold us back...or on our own attempts to make ourselves righteous. Even when Yeshua is saddened by our choices, His compassion and agape love for us emanate unfailingly.
Sometimes we feel discouraged at our repeated failings, despite our determination to 'get it right' this time...to refrain from gossip or criticism or judgment of others, for example. We don't even want to come before our Father in prayer and listen to what He has to say to us because we fear He's disappointed in is...or maybe even disgusted with our repeated unsuccessful attempts at doing what He calls us to...our continually having to confess and repent over the same sin.
Always remember that ADONAI is filled with tenderness for us, as a Father for His children. He is for us. He is cheering us on. He reaches down to help us to our feet to try again. He dusts us off, taps us on our bottom (even our 62-year-old bottom) and sends us on our way into our day with His blessing....offering us His grace to do what we cannot do alone...His steadying hand, His loving warning before something untoward comes out of our mouths, or our thoughts start wandering into critical places. He holds up the chalkboard eraser (whiteboard?) and says, "Let's not go there....let's refresh your mind to focus on whatever is true and lovely and noble and admirable...and while you're at it, whatever is merciful and compassionate. Choose mercy. I do."