There's something exciting about waiting to see what our Heavenly Father has in store for us, knowing not only that He always has good plans, but being tickled pink by His delightful sense of humor. The older I get, the more I can hear His outright belly laughs. He's full of surprises and waits like a parent at Christmas to see us discover them.
This is not always to say we aren't oblivious at times, that we sometimes don't even recognize His hand. When it hits us, however, and we look up, we find Him looking down at us and laughing, like a practical jokester who watches from behind a bush to see his victim's reaction. The difference is that we're always the victims of His beneficence.
I love to hear Him laugh and wish I'd been attuned to His humor decades ago. So much fun I have missed. I knew His love long before I ever got His jokes. One thing that has helped me is keeping a daily journal in which I try to record His actual words to me. Sometimes it's more of an apprehending of an idea, but either way I write it down. Sometimes I have to try to draw a picture (stick figures not withstanding).
When I first recorded His use of contemporary slang, I was sure I hadn't heard correctly and quickly erased it. However, I have come to understand that when we say he is able to speak any language, that includes even 'LOL'. When I was trying to better understand the Trinity and He said 'group hug' at the end, I was almost ROTF*.
If you know His love for you but have not yet discovered His funny side, ask Him to show you. Have a pen and journal in hand, and it will be the beginning of a new adventure in Divine Laughter.
*For us ol' folk: 'Rolling on the Floor Laughing'