Tuesday, March 1, 2016


   Recently I was reading in Thessalonians and came to Jesus' return 'in a fiery flame' with His angels....when we who are still on the earth and who believe and trust in Him will be there. I pictured myself in the grateful audience. Yet He turned to look at me tenderly. He knew me. He looked at each one of us personally, one by one, knowing and recognizing each individual who loved and trusted in Him.  We weren't a giant mass of humanity to Him but rather a huge group of beloved ones. It was as if a movie camera zoomed in, focusing on each detail....each wrinkled line on a face, each gleam in an eye, each quirky smile, each look of love.  We were Known. He had come for us....come to take us Home, where we belonged.  He was untouchable in His glory but reachable in the domain of His heart. "That's my Bridegroom!" we each shouted with proud and grateful abandon. "The One who loves me! Who's come to rescue me and take me home!" Home to be His bride, His friend, His confidant, His beneficiary, His sister, His brother, the Love of His life!"  On earth we were not ashamed to declare our love for Him. Now He was proudly claiming us for His own before all the world and His angels and before the very eyes of the Evil One, who was helpless to stop Him. Nothing and no one could separate us from Him or from the love of our Father found in and through Him. How lovely that we don't have to wait until His second coming to experience that love...nor to declare ours for Him.
(Romans 8: 31-38)

"Rejoice, rejoice believers and let your lights appear!
The evening is advancing and darker night is near.
The Bridegroom is arising and soon He will draw nigh.
Up, watch in expectation! At midnight comes the cry.

See that your lamps are burning; replenish them with oil
Look now for your salvation, the end of sin and toil
The watchers on the mountain proclaim the Bridegroom near;
Go meet him as he cometh with alleluias clear.

O wise and holy virgins, now raise your voices higher,
Until in songs of triumph ye meet the angel choir.
The marriage feast is waiting, the gates wide open stand;
Rise up, ye heirs of glory! The Bridegroom is at hand.

Our hope and expectation, O Jesus now appear;
Arise, thou Sun so longed for, O'er this benighted sphere!
With hearts and hands uplifted, we plead, O Lord, to see
The day of earth's redemption, and ever be with Thee!

-- Laurentius Laurentius, 1700; music (Greenland) by Joseph Haydn written for later translation in 1819


Morning Manna....to read and share....