Thursday, March 17, 2016

Crafting the Tiniest Details of Our Lives

   Last fall, during Advent, I 'happened' to begin reading Beth Moore's book, Jesus, the One and Only, as part of my time with the Lord in the morning.  As it 'happened,' the beginning of the book coincided perfectly with the timing of Advent (before Jesus's birth).  It was 'spot on' for the Scriptures we were reading in church.  Now that we are in a Lenten season, with Holy Week approaching...The Passover, the New Covenant, all that comes before our Lord's great sacrifice for us, it 'happens' that Beth's teaching is perfectly coinciding once again.  I love the way the Lord crafts the tiniest details of our circumstances to assure us that His attention and care are even at the level of counting the number of hairs on our heads. [All I know is the grey ones are falling out faster!]

   I want to encourage you to purchase this title right at this very moment (only$4.99 on Kindle) and jump into the Upper Room and dusty streets of Jerusalem with her. Her insights are fresh and new to me, despite decades of reading, listening, and learning about this pivotal, cataclysmic time in the history of our world.   Don't start at the beginning, though. Start now with Part 9. (The Lamb of God) on page 266.  You can go back to the beginning later.  Trust me, it will be well worth the journey.

[Jesus, the One and Only
Beth Moore]


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