Sunday, February 28, 2016

Yeshua and Pooh

   Did you ever play Pooh Sticks?  (If not, see "Pooh Invents a New Game and Eeyore Joins In" from The House at Pooh Corner. Only adults can fully appreciate the dry humor of these stories, by the way.) Recently I asked the Lord if He was a Pooh fan, if there would be a Hundred Acre Wood in Heaven, and, if so, could we walk together in it.  I sometimes see myself as either Pooh or Piglet with Him...or sometimes as Christopher Robin....sometimes as just myself....He and I walking hand in hand through the forest of large trees, the sun dappling the leaves as the branches wave gently to and fro, the breeze whispering in the deep quiet of His very personal and tender love.
   What surprised me was realizing how much He, also, enjoys such times....He remarked that He isn't simply fulfilling my request because I enjoy and find peace in these ramblings with Him. They are a delight to Him, as well.  His time is not limited, nor His space, as mine is.  He can enjoy this one-on-one, unhurried, stroll with me....and with if we were the only one in the world.  Ask Him...reach out your hand to His extended one and experience the peace you find just being near Him in the pregnant silence.  No speaking required.  Just enjoy the pure pleasure of His company.
   Oh...and stop and play a game of Pooh Sticks while you're at it. He loves to watch, together, the river slipping slowly away beneath the bridge.


Morning read and share....