Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day by Day

Remember this song?*

"Day by day, day by day,
Oh, Dear Lord, three things I pray:
To see Thee more clearly
Love Thee more dearly
Follow Thee more nearly
Day by day...
Day by day by day by day by day..."

   This morning, I'm loving the simplicity of it, as I listen to it play in my head.  It reminds me of simple Scripture messages, like "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength...and thy neighbor as thyself..."... Simply clear in its summary of what we're called to do, but definitely not simple to carry out. If that's our true heart's cry, however, our Father is smiling tenderly down at us, encouraging us every step along the way. Even when we stumble on the road, He is at our right hand, reaching down to lift us up, brush us off, check for and bind up our wounds, and lead us back onto the narrow, but lighted, path.  He never watches from a distance. He is the God Who Comes Near. Pray you can see Him more clearly by your side, affectionately and gratefully love Him more dearly, and follow Him more nearly with each day that passes....all your days. I know that's my prayer, too..

**Various versions of this command are found in:
Luke 10:27
Mark 12:30
Matthew 22:37
Deuteronomy 6:5 (+4 other Scriptures)
Joshua 22:5

*Godspell (musical)

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