Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Challenge to Agnostics and Atheists

Lumping the religions of the world into an assessment such as  "they're basically different versions of the same thing...choose one or none" absolute nonsense.  Either the God you believe in is real, or he/it isn't. And, regardless, none of them even purports to be the same as the God of true Bibilical Christianity.

Show me another 'religion' where God...
...offers to be your Loving Father.
...offers to take the punishment for your sin, guilt, mistakes, and screw ups upon Himself
...offers you eternity in Heaven because of what Je did, no what He requires of you
...cares about, and wants to be involved in, the smallest details of your life
...binds up your physical and emotional wounds
...converses with you like a friend
...listens to you intently, as well as speaking to you personally
...makes you laugh
...wants you to enjoy your life 'abundantly, to the fullest'
...speaks the truth to you in love, correcting you as a true good father would
...helps you become a better person...more like Him a Dad you want to emulate
...grieves when you grieve, even when He knows a happy ending awaits you willing to orchestrate the circumstances of your life to make a good out of even the worst tragedy
...delights in you
...sings over you a mother hen to your chick a Good Shepherd to your lamb
...drives the wolves from your door
...rescues you not only from your enemies, but your own failings
...sometimes lets you fall in order to learn how to stand
...never leaves your side in the process
...promises never to abandon you or forsake you faithful to you even when you aren't
...knows your every thought and heart's desire
...planned you and knit you in your mother's womb
...was always, is now, and ever will be the one True God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, who
...loves you personally, intimately, with an Undying, Everlasting Love

   May the eyes of the blind be opened to all He is, as He once opened (and continues to open) mine and those of all who now 'dare to call Him Father.'  Let eyes be opened through your testimony. Lovingly, tenderly share Who He Is at every possible occasion. Weave your testimony, your love and thankfulness for Him, into the tiniest crack of casual or serious conversation. Be watching...'be ready in season and out of season,' 'make the most of every opportunity.'  Make Him known and loved and adored in your little universe. The people around you are dying for want of Him, even though He is as near as their very breath.

*Read I Dared to Call Him Father, the Miraculous Story of a Muslim Woman's Encounter With God by Bilquis Sheikh, plus many others such as Seeking Allah and Finding Jesus, Hiding in the LightA Wind in the House of Islam, or 10 Amazing Muslims Touched by God

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