Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven


I sometimes work in a lovely store whose mandatory playlist gets stuck in my head. I wake up in the night singing, “Give me two pina coladas, one for each hand.” I’m ‘sailing with Captain Morgan’ without leaving dry land. 

If a song is ‘stuck in my head,’ I want it to be one giving praise to God, not the rum industry. (Not that I don’t enjoy .my Christmas rum cake.) If no one else reads this series of posts, it will still help ME to chase away “Will you love me tomorrow?” and the vanity of.Mick Jagger, by filling my mind and mouth will praise and thanksgiving to the One Who rescued me from all that so long ago. So here are today’s songs:

Overall playlist:

“Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven” (Henry Francis Lyte, 1834). 

This is one of my top 10 favorite hymns, despite so few people knowing of it. I sing this in the first person, directly to God. I try to sing most hymns in this way. For example, “I praise You, Lord, the King of Heaven. To Your feet I tribute bring. I’m ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven. Evermore Your praise I sing. Alleluia, Alleluia! I praise You, Everlasting King.’ (There is a slight variation in the lyrics than I know, but you get the idea.)

Robin Mark sings this hymn in this century:

Here’s our ‘new song’ for today: ‘Is He Worthy?” (Keith and Kristin Getty) [watch visuals]

Flashmob, West Coast Choir version (wonderful, also)

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