I love so much of the fresh, Christian worship music being created now. Charity Gayle, Jeremy Riddle, Phil Wickham, Brandon Lake, We the Kingdom, Sean Feucht…. I also love to pray listening to ‘Soaking’ music from people like Julie True and others. I look for what I see as God-focused worship, over the ‘what He can do for me’ songs. Yesterday I was inspired to worship with Charity’s “Name Above All Names, and His Presence was so strong. “Lion,” is another favorite, ‘for such a time as this.’.
This morning, however, on this Maundy (Mandate) Thursday, when we especially focus on the Lord’s Supper before He knowingly and intentionally headed to the Cross, I was drawn to the Ancient hymns. Many have been sung century after century. I am sad that they appear to be lost to so many believers today. These hymns’ sacred and reverential spirit is an integral part of the Whole of what I see as intimate or affectionate reverence.. [*See my 2016 post linked below ], The depth of this heritage humbles and roots us in an age in which we are perhaps vulnerable to casually taking for granted GOD’s sacrificial gift and also losing sight of Him as YHVH.
He has, indeed, granted us that great Gift of being invited into His Presence. Yet have we maintained, as Tozer says, “The Knowledge of the Holy?” Or do we now, for example, approach Holy Communion as if it is coffee hour? Are we more focused on what we do or don’t receive from Him than Who He Is and how Worthy He is of our love, adoration and thanksgiving?
We are all guilty of a lack of piety at times, because we also know Him as precious Friend, which He invited us to be. But let’s not forget Who else He is: the Great I Am, the omnipotent, omniscient Creator of the Cosmos. Although He sacrificially made a way for an Intimate relationship with Himself, we must never lose our attitude of Honor and Reverence toward Him.
So today I bring before you some ancient worship songs which to me evoke that sense of holy awe. I love the whole of worship music through the centuries, from ancient through modern. Let’s visit a few of the former. I invite your comments and suggestions for others you remember.
1) Now My Tongue the Mystery Telling (Thomas Aquinas, 13th century)
Better seen on a tablet or computer
https://youtu.be/c7XGcnsKpl0?si=0nu6vUiMVAaeDmDl (Zoom in to see lyrics better or see next link)
2) Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (approx 275 AD)
3) Humbly I Adore Thee, Verity Unseen (Thomas Aquinas, 13th century)
4) My God, Thy Table Now is SPREAD (1755)
https://youtu.be/ss4iEslMrBs?si=cG3IeyUDTZFqiP8m (Zoom or make full screen)
5) O God Unseen Yet Ever Near (Edward Osler, 1836 … not ancient but almost 2 centuries old)
https://youtu.be/bvKEjmXvjoc?si=DYF5lOlgJnr2AUCg (choir)
https://youtu.be/ysbMFBdCvIA?si=QHLcZ81wdpGGYg2S (instrumental with lyrics)
*Affectionate Reverence post from December 1, 2016
1Yahweh is King over all! Everyone trembles in awe before him. He rules enthroned between the wings of the cherubim. So let the earth shake and quake in wonder before him! 2For Yahweh is great and glorious in the midst of his Zion-people. He is exalted above all! 3Let everyone praise this breathtaking God, for he is holy. 4A lover of justice is our mighty King; he is right in all his ways. He insists on being fair to all, promoting true justice and righteousness in Jacob. 5So everyone, exalt the Lord our God facedown before his glory-throne, for he is great and holy. —Psalm 99: 1-5 TPT
“With my whole heart, with my whole life, and with my innermost being, I bow in wonder and love before you, the holy God!” —Psalm 103:1
Thank you for these reminders as we enter into Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, preparing for the joy of Easter.