Saturday, January 9, 2021

Stay, stand, fight and take a seat

In the early morning I hungrily seek out God’s encouragement, including through His prophets, to persevere in prayer, believing...wearing my combat boots over my ‘feet shod with the gospel of Shalom.’ During the night, when I am more vulnerable, the fear and unbelief try to supersede that firm stand. I know it is crucial to stay in the fight believing, praying, affirming, and decreeing God’s will be manifested in this land.  When we believe and declare what is  naturally impossible, yet already shown accomplished in God’s Reality, He is delighted with is. He applauds us, and the crinkles of His eyes spread wide on His face. 

The believing Church is finally coming together and being the true Ecclesia.  It wouldn’t have come forth without the spiritual battle, I realize. Now, when every conceivable human option is totally exhausted, God says, “Ok, now is when I love baring my arm and putting on a show for You!  Ha ha! Make your popcorn with lots of butter and salt [Himalayan, of course] and take a seat, while continuing to stand. The curtains are opening. Enjoy the show

Isaiah 52:10

Isaiah 40:26-31

Ha ha...God had me add this today (1/11):

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