Friday, October 4, 2019

Fruitfulness, fun, and rest, Part I (fruitfulness)

This blog post is divided into three parts, taking a look at three aspects of our lives:  fruitfulness, fun, and rest. 
Whether you’re retired like me, or still working...or  both working and raising a family, there is always the question of balancing the various aspects of your life. When you’re younger and are juggling children, work, home maintenance, and your own times of rest, the balancing act is more obvious.  As a retired person, you look back and wonder, “How did I ever do it all?”  It  becomes obvious that God’s grace, along with His plan for the phases of our lives, was the key.

However, if you’re like many of us, you felt guilty ever sitting down and relaxing. I find that, even in retirement, I sometimes feel guilty spending too much time having fun. I think about the need to be more productive...not in growing an income, but in growing God’s kingdom. The Bible calls it fruitfulness. 

I’ve heard acquaintances refer to being bored in retirement. I can’t imagine how one could be bored with so many opportunities to create and to volunteer. So many groups and individuals need help and would be thrilled at the donation of our time. We have only to look around within a small radius to see where we could be of service.

However, fruitfulness isn’t only fostered within the context of working for free somewhere.  It’s also found in the brave conversations we have with friends, coworkers, and strangers.  It’s found in our prayer life, in the sharing of an encouraging word, in the kingdom-building gifts we give to our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, long-term friends, and the salesclerk we met yesterday.  It’s found in our willingness to be vulnerable and bold and share the Good News without foreknowledge of how it will be received.

Has he given you gifts and talents you haven't really explored?  Maybe now is the time.  Is there a way you're longing to express your heart for Him to others?  Don't be afraid to try.  If the longing is there, He will give you the skills to pursue that avenue of expression,  I have a friend who had never painted in her life.  God showed her, right in the store, what to purchase and then how to paint,  He also showed her how to create banners for her church, when she'd never sewn before.  Don't assume you don't have the ability to create something which could bless others.  I recently heard about one woman who knits booties for newborns for Birthright, someone who raises money for books to give to children's hospitals, and another who recycles cards by using pieces to create new ones for shut-ins and other lonely or grieving people.

Ask the Father in what ways your life could be more fruitful for Him. Be bold in the asking!  But also know that the elements of fun and rest are also part of His abundant life plan for us.  [See Part II:  Fun!]

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