Thursday, August 8, 2019


Anyone have an old stuffed animal you’ve kept from your childhood? Mine is an old orange-furred bear named Henrietta. I say ‘orange-furred,’ but if you saw her, you wouldn’t be able to tell the original color of her fur, since most of it was loved off through the years. If you lifted her arm or examined a few crevices, you’d see what her fur looked like new. My father also had to replace her ears and nose, which started falling apart when I was still in elementary school.

I’ve had Henrietta for nearly 63 years.  One year we had 3 hurricanes in a row in Florida and had to evacuate. (FYI...God miraculously rescued us from even the one predicted as bringing certain destruction.). When your whole family can only take, from everything you own, what fits in your 2 cars, you realize quickly what your heart considers your most precious possessions (besides your children, of course!).  We packed a few clothes, our case of videotapes of the children, some of our photo albums, and our important documents. In addition, each family was able choose one or two items we treasured. With little need for deliberation, I grabbed Henrietta for my take-along. She was a treasure to me, when others would have long ago consigned her to the thrift shop or dumpster.

This week I was telling the Father (as well as Yeshua and the Holy Spirit) that if I were able, I’d ‘squeeze the stuffin’s’ out of Him, because I loved Him so much, and He’d brought Me so faithfully and tenderly through the decades of my life. He, in turn, said He’d like to do the same, except He’d have to be careful because He is so much stronger than I. This made me laugh. (He makes me laugh a lot.) He then gave me a picture of hugging me so hard that my fluff came through some of the worn seams.

Remember The Velveteen Rabbit and how beloved he was to the boy, despite his tattered state (even more so than a new animal in pristine condition)? The Father told me that we are like that to Him as we age. Far from our being devalued as we age, our value is inestimable. We are irreplaceable and precious to Him.

 So, if your fur is wearing off, and some of your fluff is protruding through some of your seams, no worries. He told me that since He’s in the business of Restoration, He’s also a superb Stitcher.

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