Friday, July 19, 2019

Looking for a good GP?

When we see a medical specialist, we are always asked the name of our General Practitioner, our GP.  This morning, while battling a throat virus, I was thanking God for being the Great Physician, another term which could be applied to the acronym.  However, it occurred to me that God isn't 'just' our Great Physician, He is the best of Nurses.  A doctor comes in, diagnoses, prescribes, and leaves. This is when the nurse (whether male or female) comes in to minister continual care, down to our most minor needs.

We may not see the doctor again until the next day, but the nurse cares for the nitty-gritty needs of our illness, perhaps even tucking us in at night and making sure we are warm enough and have plenty of fluids nearby.  If we have difficulties in the middle of the night, it is the Nurse who comes at our call.

Perhaps it is a greater tribute to our tender, ministering Father and to His Holy Spirit, to attribute to Him the acronym GN, even more than GP.  He is most certainly a General Practitioner, as well, however, since He is the answer to every need we have. 

In fact, He fulfills the total job description of ministry to our bodies, our souls, and our spirits. The next time He bends toward you, hands you a cup of living water, and brushes the hair from your sweaty, fevered brow, let Him know He is your Everything.


  1. He is the radiologist, seeing all, exposing the areas needing healing. He is also the medicine as well as the cure. Healing comes in times and in suddenlies!

  2. Absolutely! Wonderful extended analogy!


Morning read and share....