Thursday, December 20, 2018

Falling off the wagon

   Well, I’ve fallen off the wagon again. I guess I’ve been riding hanging onto the side, with one foot dragging on the ground for awhile. You can’t ride half astride when it comes to gossip and fault-finding. There’s no middle space where just a little judgment and verbalized negativity is ok. Snide remarks, rolling of the eyes, and passive aggression are just as potent as outright explosions of anger. They’re all destructive and remove us from the safe, God-driven wagon He has provided for us. He’s not the one who unceremoniously dumped us on the roadside in anger. We have chosen to get off and walk on our own as Judge, Manipulator, and Vindicator, following our own sense of justice to make sure our persecutor is not left unpunished.

   What a dangerous and destructive road we walk there on our own, while God’s Grace-filled wagon rolls on by our side, offering sanctuary and true justice.  “Repent and climb back aboard,” He offers. “It’s not too late. You’ve fallen off, but you can dust yourself off and rejoin us. Here is My hand reaching down to help you up. I am not condemning you or refusing to let you back aboard. My Son already paid for your Golden Ticket. You are the one choosing to walk, stumbling over potholes and chasing after illusions of satisfaction that end up making you miserable.  Come up by Me and lean against Me as I drive. Listen to the clip-clop of the horses and find My peace once again.  All shall be well.”

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