I just love how God works...how He sends comfirmation and encouragement when He knows we need it most. I was wondering recently, as the number of readers of my blog has reduced dramatically in the past few posts, if the blog God called me to start had served its purpose and its time was at an end. Or perhaps I was off-base and not listening very well...or not expressing things in a helpful way. Maybe I should stop trying to write these posts and move on.
So this morning I was listening, as usual, to Andrew Wommack’s program, Gospel Truth*. Guess on what topic he ended up spending half the program? Yep, “pleasing God” and what that really means. I just burst out laughing. Another reminder to look to God for your affirmation and guidance. He always finds creative ways to encourage you when you’re floundering. The hand He extends to you not only lifts you out of the mire of confusion or circumstance, it strengthens you to persist in what He’s called you to do: To run the race to its end with Him as both your track coach and cheerleader.
If you’re doing what you’re doing for a readership or audience of one, makes sure it’s the right One, and you’ll find all the encouragement and confirmation you need.
*www.awmi.net or via Roku channel or cable
Amen Julie, I sometimes wonder the same about the midweek service, sometimes it's just me and one or two others, but i am always reminded that He is there,regardless of how many show up.