Thursday, December 20, 2018

Falling off the wagon

   Well, I’ve fallen off the wagon again. I guess I’ve been riding hanging onto the side, with one foot dragging on the ground for awhile. You can’t ride half astride when it comes to gossip and fault-finding. There’s no middle space where just a little judgment and verbalized negativity is ok. Snide remarks, rolling of the eyes, and passive aggression are just as potent as outright explosions of anger. They’re all destructive and remove us from the safe, God-driven wagon He has provided for us. He’s not the one who unceremoniously dumped us on the roadside in anger. We have chosen to get off and walk on our own as Judge, Manipulator, and Vindicator, following our own sense of justice to make sure our persecutor is not left unpunished.

   What a dangerous and destructive road we walk there on our own, while God’s Grace-filled wagon rolls on by our side, offering sanctuary and true justice.  “Repent and climb back aboard,” He offers. “It’s not too late. You’ve fallen off, but you can dust yourself off and rejoin us. Here is My hand reaching down to help you up. I am not condemning you or refusing to let you back aboard. My Son already paid for your Golden Ticket. You are the one choosing to walk, stumbling over potholes and chasing after illusions of satisfaction that end up making you miserable.  Come up by Me and lean against Me as I drive. Listen to the clip-clop of the horses and find My peace once again.  All shall be well.”

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Right Audience

   I just love how God He sends comfirmation and encouragement when He knows we need it most. I was wondering recently, as the number of readers of my blog has reduced dramatically in the past few posts, if the blog God called me to start had served its purpose and its time was at an end. Or perhaps I was off-base and not listening very well...or not expressing things in a helpful way. Maybe I should stop trying to write these posts and move on.

   So this morning I was listening, as usual, to Andrew Wommack’s program, Gospel Truth*.  Guess on what topic he ended up spending half the program?  Yep, “pleasing God” and what that really means. I just burst out laughing. Another reminder to look to God for your affirmation and guidance. He always finds creative ways to encourage you when you’re floundering. The hand He extends to you not only lifts you out of the mire of confusion or circumstance, it strengthens you to persist in what He’s called you to do:  To run the race to its end with Him as both your track coach and cheerleader.

   If you’re doing what you’re doing for a readership or audience of one, makes sure it’s the right One, and you’ll find all the encouragement and confirmation you need.
* or via Roku channel or cable

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Preparing the right gift

In this Advent season, as we prepare to celebrate both the first and second coming of our Lord, the continual search to please Him should be resounding in our hearts. What gift would He most enjoy for His Birthday present from us? When you love others deeply, you search for ways to delight them, to make them happy, to outdo them with kindness. The more Yeshua’s love pours out to Me, the more I want to love Him bigger. Don’t you?

When it’s the birthday of someone we love deeply, we don’t just quickly wrap a gift we’ve grabbed from the shelf at the last minute. We ponder and plan what would delight and surprise that person. We want to see his or her face light up in joy. Now, surprise is not an option for our Yeshua’s gift, since He already knows the future.  However, pleasure is.

Sometimes, when our children were young, we would write our birthday gifts to Jesus on slips of paper and put them in a wrapped box under the tree. We never opened this gift Christmas morning, but we knew He would do so, treasuring each one in His heart. Somehow that tradition faded away as we all got older. I wish we’d carried it on every year. This year I want to bring it back, even though our children have their own families now.

Let’s take time this Advent season to ask Yeshua what He would most like for His Birthday celebration this year. Is there someone you need to forgive? Someone lonely who would love your attention? Might Adonai be missing that time you used to devote to conversation with Him or just basking in His Presence? Is there someone He loves who would be blessed by a special gift? Would Yeshua love to hear you serenade Him with love songs?

Let’s draw in our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, as well as family members in the Spirit. Write love notes, wrap them in boxes with loving care and determine to fulfill any outward or inward acts of devotion they might contain. May He be showered with so many gifts this year that we hear the echo of His laughter from Heaven.