When we read about idolatry in the Bible, we often see references to the worshiping of statues and manmade figures, like a golden calf. However, idolatry is anything that takes the place of God in our lives. The Lord has opened my eyes more and more to rampant idolatry woven into our times, including within the Christian community. Sometimes these thoughts, words, and actions have become such an integral part of our language that we don’t even think of them as such.
I love the show Escape to the Country, but if I hear one more presenter tell people searching for a home in the UK that she’ll be ‘crossing her fingers’ for them, I think I will scream at the top of my lungs. Actually, I do renounce it every time I hear it, no matter how tedious it may seem to those watching the show with me.
Crossing one’s fingers has two meanings, neither of which is a Biblical action. As children we might have thought it meant we were excused for lying. NOT. This gesture’s other use is to help bring about the seemingly positive outcome one desires. Strike two. It is God to Whom we look, not futile gestures.
A similar action is to knock on wood. I have observed so many Christians doing so. The action’s history goes back to worship of the ‘goddess’ Gaia, who was said to dwell in the trees and in other created things. New Age believers of today continue to worship Gaia. (New age is not new.) Once again, it is to our Heavenly Father we should be praying, not knocking on a piece of furniture.
When I was working in a retail artisan store, I lost track of the number of people who purchased crystals, gems, towers, pyramids, and similar items to give them power to make their lives better. Many carried them in their purses daily. Others, including Christians, bought sage or ‘evil eye’ jewelry to drive away and protect themselves from evil.
The idea of Karma has been completely adopted in our language, including by Christian believers. The Hindu concept of Karma is the antithesis of Christianity. As believers in Jesus’ sacrificial death for us, we trust in Him for our salvation. To trust in Karma is to trust that your good actions will outweigh your bad and you’ll be ok. This, of course, isn’t even true according to Scripture. [See Romans, among others. I especially recommend In the Grip of Grace by Max Lucado.] The Bible does present the concept of reaping and sowing; however it is not a balance scale through which we hope to be saved. [FYI The Hindu people believe that those in the lower castes deserve their level because of past lives, so they will not lift a finger to help them and interfere with their attempts to work themselves up the ladder of salvation.]
Have you described, on social media, a challenging situation in your life and had some respond, “I will think positive thoughts for you.”? That and fifty cents won’t buy you a cup of coffee, as the saying [doesn’t] go.. (Obviously a financially out-of-date phrase.) Thinking positive thoughts without praying is a totally powerless action. The statement is idolatrous because it implies that your mind effects* change in someone’s life.
Hallmark Christmas movies have more ‘sweet’ idolatrous actions than Carter has liver pills”. (Forgive me, younger ones; you won’t know this reference the way my generation will.). My other shouting and renouncing time, in addition to my defying of the cross your fingers references, is Hallmark movies’ continual attribution of life’s direction to the universe and fate. Wherever God used to be referenced in older books and movies, ‘the universe’ has now been substituted. O Christmas Tree has replaced Joy to the World and The Night Before Christmas has replaced The Nativity Story.
In a similar way, Destiny (separated from God’s destiny for us) is assigned power and control over us, as are ‘the stars’, horoscopes and other forms of astrology. God’s creation doesn’t have power to direct and affect us, El Shaddai, ADONAI Elohim does. He gave authority over His creation to Adam.. Well, you know how that went… Thankfully, Jesus, the Second Adam, restored it to His Ekklesia when He triumphed over satan.
Tarot cards, Ouija boards, and all forms of the occult. This should be an obvious one. However, I just saw a popular show in which a ‘sweet’ girl works for a company which combines the Tarot with the use of ‘natural’ makeup. She even had the t-shirt! Disney, as many of you know,, has woven witchcraft into most everything they create. Be careful what your kids and grandchildren watch..
To avoid too lengthy a post, I will simply list other common forms of idolatry of the 21st century: Some may be challenging (and you may want to challenge me!)
- Get rich quick schemes, always looking to win the lottery, etc vs trusting God for your provision
- Wishing on on a star or tossing coins in a fountain,
- Sports superstitions of all kinds (a huge pot of foaming idolatry)
- Theater superstitions
- Superstitions like burying the statue of a saint upside down to sell a house
- Belief in reincarnation. Hmmmm, let’s see…I get to live one miserable life after another on earth until I finally attain perfection? (See Romans again.) Or I repent, ask for forgiveness, and trust in Jesus’s perfect sacrifice for me. Which shallI choose? It’s so hard to decide.
- Buddhas and Hindu goddesses in gardens and homes. I see these in so many house-hunting shows. Believe me, these are not good decorations!
- The term Zen. It’s everywhere! Zen comes from Zen Buddhism. Once again, you work your way to ‘Heaven’. One of many downsides, however, is that this attained state of so-called perfection is ‘Nothingness.’ I rest my case.
- Feng Shui “a traditional form of geomancy that originated in Ancient China and claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment”. ** Do you really want to pursue an idolatrous eastern religion to decorate your home?
- Reiki “Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which, according to practitioners, a "universal energy" is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the client, to encourage emotional or physical healing. It is based on qi ("chi"), which practitioners say is a universal life force” (vs GOD as our healer)’
- Other phrases to avoid: in the cards, thank your lucky stars…
- Intellectual arrogance vs using God’s gift of intelligence for His glory
- Power and influence, as a sort of god in one’s life…vs under God’s favor and direction
- Our own accomplishments and success independent of God
- Entertainment and technology
- Food and drink
- Exercise and body building as a ‘god’ vs stewarding God’s temple. [When one’s whole identity is tied to physical prowess and abilities]
- Unforgiveness/pride, bitterness (Who is on the throne?)
- Fear of what others think about us more than what God thinks
- Our reputations
- Sports (how much time, focus, passion?)
- Our families (ouch). Do we put the family we love above God, more important than what He wants us to do? For example, do we avoid speaking the truth in love He’s prompting us to do, because we don’t want to risk damaging our relationships with them? (Yep, this one’s for me, too.)
Let’s examine our lives, thoughts, words, and deeds.
Let’s ask Holy Spirit to show us, prompt us, make us aware (Psalm 139)… of not only our own hidden idolatries, but also for help in identifying what we see or hear elsewhere. Let’s help open our friends’ understanding, if we hear them using or pursuing idolatrous philosophies, religions, or language. Let’s speak the truth in love, not just ignore it for concern over what they will think of us. Our speech is very powerful (both positively and negatively). [Reread Proverbs, James, and Psalms. Also search ‘speech’ and ‘words’ and ‘power’ in Bible Hub or an e-version.] Idolatry is not taken lightly by God. The state of our once-covenanted nation reflects our pursuit of it. Let’s ask Him to purify our hearts in these areas. This will increase our faith and trust in Him, rather than our looking, even unknowingly, to powerless idols for our help. Our sincere faith is so very pleasing to Him+. Let’s ask Him to help us in this sanctification process and see His broad smile in response.
+(See Hebrews 11:6 and beyond.)
* Yes ‘effects’ is correct in this situation, despite what your grammar checker may indicate.
** Wikipedia .
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