Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Cord

   Psalm 118, is a treasure. Reading the Psalms in The Passion Translation always freshens my eyes for a new look.

love you, Yahweh, and I’m bonded to you, my strength! 2Yahweh, you’re the bedrock beneath my feet, my faith-fortress, my wonderful deliverer, my God, my rock of rescue where none can reach me. You’re the shield around me, the mighty power that saves me, and my high place. 3All I need to do is to call on you, Yahweh, the praiseworthy God. [Psalm 181: 1-3]

   Brian Simmons explains that the word rachem, universally translated love in verse 1 of this psalm, is not the Hebrew word ahav normally used. Rachem implies the love of a mother so strong that she is bonded to her child. According to Brian, verse 1 could even be translated, “Lord, I want to hug You…!” 

   In recent years, I’ve often pictured myself hugging Yeshua, Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit), and ADONAI Elohim (the Father) individually in turn. Not a Southerner by birth, I find myself declaring, ‘I love Y’all so much! I long to be with You, Three-in-One! Yet I am also ‘bonded’ to my family on earth and know Father still has purposes for me here. 

   Did you ever experience an invisible cord running from your heart to your children and grandchildren, or to others very dear to you? When you are physically far from them, it is as if that cord is stretched so tight and the pull so strong, you long to turn around and get back to them, no matter how much you had looked forward to being where you are. It doesn’t matter how old your children or how grey their own hair might have become. The cord is still attached, the bonding ever present. 

   Our dear Father, Yeshua, and Holy Spirit; God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity; experience the same with us, their Beloved. So many cords, so many bonds, so much indescribable love for us.. Do we love them back with that intensity, longing with everything in us to hug Them, to be where They are? Homesick for them and wanting to express our love and thankfulness in every way possible, to joyfully please them while we’re still here on earth? I can almost picture our Heavenly Father gently pulling on the cord, saying, “Come closer!”

   How torn we are between our heavenly home and our earthly one, between being here for our family and dearest friends and yet feeling the tremendous pull from whence we came! Or rather, from Whom we came. The wonderful news is that we can live in both places at the same time, until the celebration of our Homecoming. “Be still and wait upon the Lord” each and every day. Push aside the distractions. Close your eyes in the stillness (or soaking in quiet worship music) and allow Holy Spirit to draw you to Himself, to give you a deep,  rich taste of His Person and what He has waiting for you. Ease the taut cord from your heart to His. Be where He is. No stretching necessary.

1 comment:

Morning read and share....