Picture this like a movie in your mind:
You are being chased by a group of bullies who are gaining on you fast. You run around the corner, panting and desperate, and see your father and big brother in front of you. They draw you behind their backs and stand, feet planted like tree trunks, arms folded. Your attackers, with savage faces, gloat in anticipation. Until, that is, they turn the corner. Seeing your Dad and brother, muscles bulging, in their path, they stop suddenly. The ones behind run into those in front of them. Their smug assurance of success changes into wide-eyed terror. They can’t run away fast enough. But your father and brother have seen them, have identified them. They will see that justice is done.
Hide yourself in Him*, In and above all circumstances. He is your Sanctuary; Your Strong, High Tower; Your Defender; Your Strength; Your Kinsman Redeemer; Your Rescuer; Your Savior; Your Breaker; Your Comforter; Your Solace; Your Peace; Your Shalom; Your Joy; Your Source; Your Alpha and Omega…….Your dear Papa, with His outstretched everlasting arms.
“There is none like the God of Jeshurun (Israel), Who rides the heavens to your help, And through the skies in His majestic glory. “The eternal God is your refuge and dwelling place, And underneath are the everlasting arms; He drove out the enemy from before you…. Deuteronomy 23:26-28
He has also passed on to us His authority to deal with bullies directly…to turn and face them in His Name, with His strength. We ourselves become tall and muscled, able to terrify any who try to attack us. We just need to know who we are in Him. Picture yourself standing INSIDE Him as you decree the demise of the enemy of your soul, his minions, and those through whom they work on earth. He says we have the right to stand in His place and declare His word and his will, to represent His ‘Person’.
Do you remember in the movie, Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia), where the Telamarines chase the Narnians right up to a bridge and suddenly stop? There is little Lucy, alone on the bridge with her tiny little knife. Laughable! Yet the derision stops when from behind her, Aslan appears….and roars!
Now picture the first scenario I gave you above. See yourself standing in front of your dad and big brother when the bullies turn the corner. They are still now terrified, because your dad’s strength is behind you. The bullies will still run away. They know your strength is in Him, and they cannot defeat you once you know how strong you are. Your words, when they are His…..when He agrees with what you are saying, become like the King’s missive stamped with His royal seal. They are backed by His power and authority.
Aslan is indeed behind us. His strength becomes ours. We represent Him. What He says, goes. Yes, we are hidden in Him. Yes, we are hidden behind Him. Yet we are also standing in front of Him as His ambassador, saying what He says. Praying what He wants, devotedly serving His heart’s desires. When we are representing Him well, His power goes forth to change and transform what is before us and around us. Dare to speak aloud what He says, both His Rhema and Logos word. Be bold, knowing His everlasting arms are wrapped around you, upholding you, strengthening you to do His will and represent Him well.
Don’t be afraid of bullies, whether human or demonic. They both ultimately answer to the authority of God Almighty: Father, Holy Spirit, and Lion of Judah!
+++++++” I want to live my life so close to him that he takes pleasure in my every prayer. In his shelter in the day of trouble, that’s where you’ll find me, for he hides me there in his holiness. He has smuggled me into his secret place where I’m kept safe and secure— out of reach from all my enemies. Psalm 27: 5-6