Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Listening for birds


When I’m in Oregon, I love to use my Birdnet app from Cornell University to try to identify the birds near me by their songs.. I wait patiently trying to capture that softer song in between the louder ones of crows and jays.  In this app, you record the sound and then highlight the section you want to ‘.analyze’. The loud ones are easy, but sometimes the program has a more difficult time identifying the subtler ones. If I persist, however, I can often discover who they are.

     I don’t know why I haven’t used this app in Florida before today. We have woods outside our door in the townhouse development. God chose our specific one so we would see (and hear) the trees and creatures of this habitat every day. (He is most certainly the Giver of every good and perfect gift.). This morning I recorded three voices: the Northern Cardinal, the Tufted Titmouse, and the Carolina Wren. It was the wren’s song which took patience to identify.

     Earlier this morning (still dark), I was listening to Elizabeth Enlow* discuss the various definitions of the Hebrew word Quavah,, usually translated ‘waiting.’  One meaning included the concept of ‘waiting prepared for something about to take place.’  Another contained the concept of weaving together a cord, or ‘entwining oneself with,’ a definition which The Passion Translation often uses in the Psalms for waiting on God.. We know that ‘waiting on’ can also mean as a waiter or waitress would do, which takes into another stream of mental images and concepts.

     Many of us have been waiting (often impatiently, I confess myself) for the manifestation of God’s promises for our nation spoken recently through more than a dozen of His true and reliable prophets.  We know and believe with all our hearts and minds that He will do what He has said he will do. His word (written or spoken) never comes back void. Some don't believe these prophets are truly speaking what God is saying, calling them 'false prophets,' which by the way is an inaccurate use of the term). But for those of us who do assuredly believe, we're standing firm, even though we haven't yet seen come to pass what was promised. [Oohh, that sound a little Abrahamish, doesn't it?]

     We have seen some prophesied events already take place via His Creation:  crazy, inexplicable winds around the country, a greater number of earthquakes around the world, 'inexplicable shaking' for weeks in south Florida, and widespread massive snowstorms across the country, especially in the northeast, which had previously been experiencing what meteorologists referred to as a 'snow drought.'  Those who haven't been listening and waiting (sometimes because they just were unaware, as I was in the past) could dismiss these events easily as interesting but insignificant.  However, those who have heard these things prophesied, as well as their meanings, and also heard the call to get ready in our spiritual armor (including our combat-boot-shod-feet ), wait like watchman for the morning, our eyes trained like a hawk's, knowing that the feet of God and His angels are already on the earth (also prophesied).  

     As we wait prepared like soldiers, however, we must fulfill another definition of 'to wait,' which is 'to linger.' We must linger in His Presence and in His restDutch Sheets* has just such a recent post from his "Praying 15" series, related to the prophesied coming worldwide revival. Amanda GraceRachel Hamm, Manuel Johnson, and Robin D. Bullock* (4 more prophetic voices) stress the importance of looking into His face, long and deeply, as our priority above all others, as we seek to fulfill our part in what the Lord has planned in our nation and on the earth.  As I have repeatedly affirmed, the Lord delights in our dedicated time to just be with Him.  His plans, and their fulfillment in us as His bride, come out of that relationship.  

     Listen for His birds; recognize the breeze on your face as the gentle touch of His hand; allow Him to give you insight through His creation by waiting, listening, and watching in the quiet of your heart.  Invite Him to sit in an adjoining chair and share His own heart with you. In Him we live and move and have our being.  In Him there is no fear or anxiety or worry of any kind, In Him we rediscover the trust of a child.  And that's how He said He wants it to be. 


  • "Qavah (Hebrew) wait actively with anticipation, hopefully watching for God to act." 
  • Elizabeth Enlow: (waiting)
  • Dutch Sheets (lingering):
  • Amanda Grace and Rachel Hamm: (a variety of topics, including the our nation, the importance of time with the Lord, and the impact of parenting): 
  • Manuel Johnson (Elijah Streams) love this man:
  • Johnny Enlow:  Ellijah Streams, "Promises that make you stagger":
  • Prophecy regarding the winds (Dec 1 2020): Hank Kunneman

  • Snow prophecy (as a sign of cleansing of DC and NY...Hank Kunneman 1/24/21)
  • Many, many others. Let me know if and when you want MORE! You can message me on Morning Manna's facebook page, if you like. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Stepping on air


As I have recently been participating in prayer with thousands (correction, millions) of Christians around the world for the future of our nation and for the worldwide revival being prophesied by more than a dozen reliable prophets, I have had pause to ponder the role of intercession in a believer’s life.  This morning I asked the Lord to clarify two seemingly contradictory teachings on that topic, especially related to ‘standing in the gap.’ 

   Since Jesus is our Mediator, there is a radical difference between Old Testament and New Testament intercession., including the concept of ‘standing in the gap’.. it is Jesus Who truly ‘stands in the gap.’ Yet I know God has chosen to partner with us to pray His will be done ‘on earth as it is in Heaven.’ He wants us to intercede in all kinds of situations. We are not pleading with God to act, however. We are agreeing with Him, knowing He wants these things even more than we do. We are speaking forth what He says in His Word, both written and Rhema. IN JESUS’ NAME!

   However, I was still a little confused as I tried to reconcile some aspects of both sets of teaching, so I asked the Lord to clarify it for me. This is His answer, as best I could hear it:

 “I always love it when you ask Me questions. This is part of asking for wisdom, and you know know how I love and always answer that prayer in the affirmative. There is no real conflict, as you have said, although there is some misunderstanding involved on both parts. You are all always growing in maturity as you move forward in your walk with Me. I truly AM the 'Gap-Stander.' Your whole ability to connect with Me in a variety of forms--including eternity with Me--exists because I opened the Window and wedged Myself permanently inside so you could pass through.

Yet, I value your partnership in 'inter-ceding' for those things I desire to take place. It's rather like you're standing beside the window helping people step through it. I opened it and keep it open, but you lend a helping hand as people step up and through it without stumbling or falling backwards.  You point to the window when people don't see or notice it or even believe it is there, at least for them. You help them see the window and through it to the other side. That is part of the Seeing I had you write about in previous blog posts. 

You mentioned the dwarves in the hut in The Last Battle, in response to another person's C.S. Lewis quote. It is rather like that for some who have so far refused to believe there is another place outside the walls of their earthly hut. When you point to the window, some will believe you and search for the opening. As they do, it will become visible to them.

You referred to Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail recently in reference to the seemingly invisible bridge across the chasm. Desperation drove Indiana to place his foot 'on air,' where he found the ground solid beneath his feet. Desperately (spiritually) hungry people will do the same, if you have the courage to direct them in faith. Fear of man and man's opinion will try to thwart your efforts. Don't let it. You need to 'step on air,' too, to sincerely and earnestly share the pathway of My Evangel.

This Good News is not 'just' about eternity.  It is about Now.  My people need both Faith and Belief that I AM working, and that they will see the manifestation of it soon.  They, too, must 'walk on the air' of Faith in Me...that I would never abandon them at this time.  They need to believe and speak forth agreement with My Rhema Word spoken through My faithful prophets.  

Those who do so will never be disappointed..... This is the 'intercession' I am asking of you at this time, before you see with your eyes what I have said will be.