Saturday, November 24, 2018

Note to Flock

”Fear not, little flock, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” —Luke 12:32

I have loved this verse since I was a child. Delighted to follow Jesus’ exhortation thrice recorded in the Gospels, *  I love being His little lamb, no matter how arthritic my limbs and wrinkled my face. And now, as I follow the trail of what gives Him pleasure in Scripture, I’ve run smack into this image once again. He not only cares tenderly for us daily, but He rejoices in giving us entrance into all the delights of His Kingdom (which are more than we can possibly imagine*). Not just eventually, one day in Heaven, but right now, as we choose daily  to look to Him as Shepherd and King.

We’re living in a different kingdom than many of those around us, as we walk this earth as His grateful, affectionate subjects. Every choice we make to please Him, to see the crinkles fan out from His spirit eyes, is a source of joy to Him. Foregoing the world's way of seeking pleasure, we seek His,  and thereby find our own.

...Steep yourselves in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You’ll find all your everyday, human concerns will be met. Don’t be afraid of missing out. You’re my dearest friends! Your Father wants to give you the very Kingdom itself!”  —Luke 12:32 The Message
*“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God [with faith and humility like a child] will not enter it at all. “ Luke 18:17  (See also Matthew 18:3; Mark 10:15)
**”But, as it is written, ‘Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, who obey Him and who gratefully recognize the benefits He has bestowed.’].“ 1 Corinthians 2:9. (Isaiah 64:4)

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