Sunday, September 9, 2018

Character, Pt. II...”You forgot me!”

   This morning Kanga made herself heard.  “What about me?  I am concerned about Roo.  Where do I fit in?”
   How many of us are concerned for various reasons about our children, whether young, or grown with their own families? I dare say the answer is: most of the parents I’ve ever known. When friends pour out their hearts to me or offer up prayer requests, they’re most often about their children, no matter their age.
   This was the answer I received this morning: “The best way for Kanga to help Roo is to be Pooh.”
   Say what?? I had to laugh. However, when I thought about it, I understood what He was saying. We are not to become someone else. He loves who we are, our distinct personalities and eccentricities. But sometimes we grow from watching others’ relationship with Him, the way they draw close and entrust themselves and their families to Him completely, even when they don’t understand.  Because they DO understand that in comparison with Him, they are ‘bears of very little brain’...with fluff between their ears. They know that they are powerless to ‘fix things’ for their families (as Kanga is wont to do), but He is not.  They can simply hold out their paws and cling to His big carpenter’s hand and let the tears flow, waiting for His Shalom to descend in the quiet of the Wood.

1 comment:

Morning read and share....