Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Moving in tandem

Sometimes the trees here in Vernonia are very still, waiting for the breeze to come and stir them. They never move of their own volition. In fact, it seems sometimes as if all of creation within my purview is holding its breath, listening and waiting  for the wind of His coming.

At this moment, one lone, tiny leaf has adhered itself to my shirt, and God immediately prompted me to remember, in the same way, to wait and ride along attached to Him. I sometimes picture myself riding on His sandal...or in the pocket of His robe...or on His shoulder, peeking out from under His hair. That way, when He moves, I move with Him. I don’t have to worry about waking up from the distractions of either busyness or a dreamlike inertia, only to see that He has moved forward and only His back is visible in the distance.

When you were small, did you ever attach yourself to a parent’s leg so that he or she had to walk stiff-legged in order to move across the room? It might have irritated your parents, or it might have made them laugh. Or you might have had a parent whom you’d never dare approach in such a way. Your Heavenly Father , however will always be laughing. He loves to have you seek ways to stay connected to Him. To move when He’s ready to move. To rustle and sway in the Wind of His Spirit. Or, He might just stand still, look down tenderly upon you, and swing you up into His arms. You can hear His laughter even better from up there.

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