Thursday, June 7, 2018

Spiritual jet lag

Do you ever feel as if you have spiritual jet lag?  Everything seems off kilter and ‘out-of-timing,’ like a car that needs a tuneup?  Your pistons are firing, but not in coordination? You don’t seem to be getting anywhere?

Sometimes you feel that God just answered a burning question, but you missed it. It’s like a whisper that just flew past your ear. You’re out of step with Him, and you know the problem isn’t His.  You know those nightmares where you’re running to help someone (or away from danger), but it’s like you’re mired in a Scottish bog?

I’ve discovered that the best thing to do in this situation is to sit still. You know the advice they give you about being lost in a forest or a cave? Don’t try to find your way out. Stay put and rescuers will come. If you keep moving to try and rescue yourself, you will probably bury yourself deeper, where it’s less likely they’ll find you.

In one of the Mitford books, Father Tim and Cynthia experience this very situation in a cave, where they end up miles away from the cave entrance.  It is not only fear that prompts them to keep moving, but pride...the sense that they have been reckless and stupid in entering the cave in the first place and now have caused havoc in the lives of those who must search for them.  We tend to want to get ourselves out of our own fixes and to not even admit we were ever in need of rescuing in the first place.

However, the best thing we can do is admit to our Father that we have gotten completely lost and
can’t find our bearings.  He’s quite fond of humility, but less so of pride.  In fact, He says He hates it. Getting lost doesn’t always mean not knowing where we are. Sometimes it means we’re thoroughly confused or have lost our vital connection with His Spirit. We’re spinning round in circles wondering what happened.  Regardless, sitting still and waiting for and on Him is the best remedy.  Don’t worry, you’re not lost. He knows exactly where you are and is already on His way. In fact, if you listen, you’ll hear His footfall in your heart.
“There’s no shadow You won’t light up, mountain You won’t climb up comin’after me
There’s no wall You won’t kick down, lie You won’t tear down comin’ after me”
—Cory Asbury, Reckless Love

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