Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year Chiropractic Adjustment

A few months ago I finally followed through on visiting a chiropractor. I have known things weren’t right for quite awhile, not the least of my symptoms involving bones rubbing together when I bent over or turned from side to side.  Sciatica had become my regulator visitor, as it has for many senior citizens. In addition to pain, there was just an overriding sense that things weren’t right, including my being easily fatigued and out of whack, so to speak.  I was amazed at how much of a difference my first treatment made.  Sometimes when you’ve been feeling poorly for a long time, you forget what it is like to feel good.  My second visit, however, with a different chiropractor from the same office, was a completely different experience.  The treatment was painful, and I felt ‘all wrong’ afterwards. I determined to afterwards only see the original chiropractor.  I also knew that my back initially needed frequent, regular treatment so the muscles wouldn’t keep returning to their previous state, as your body tends to do.

This morning, God brought these experiences to mind related to our spiritual condition. We begin to realize that things aren’t right, that something is out of alignment and has been for awhile.  However, we have become so used to this subtly and gradually changing state, that it has become our new normal. We have forgotten what it feels like to be healthy in our souls and spirits. We’ve lost the joy and delight, that natural, free flowing relationship with the Lord in which we were once carried along in His grace, enjoying the sweetness of His friendship. Our spiritual muscles have set themselves in new, unhealthy patterns.

Perhaps we’ve turned to other ‘chiropractors,’ to solve our problems.  We’ve pursued other avenues to make ourselves feels better. We’ve been lured by the glittering promises of happiness from mere imitators of our Great Physician. Although they had the appearance of offering relief, our experience with them only ended in dissatisfaction or even pain.

On this New Year’s Day, let’s turn our faces to the light of His benevolent one and confess that we need His chiropractic adjustment. We cannot fix ourselves, but we know He can, and that He is not only willing but delighted by our request for help. Just looking at His smile changes everything right from the start.  We know it cannot be a one-time visit, but rather an ongoing interchange that will ultimately transform us.  If our discs have slipped or our vertebrae have begun to fuse, if we’ve forgotten to make and keep our appointments with Him, let’s make this our most important resolution for 2018 and for all the years we’re blessed to have on this earth.
“”Faith is a redirecting of our sight, a getting out of the focus of our own vision and getting God into focus..”
“...not a once-done act, but a continuous gaze of the heart at the Triune God”
“Lift your heart and let it rest upon Jesus and you are instantly in a sanctuary.”

—A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

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