Some might think I'm a little daft, but this morning I went for a swim in the housing development pool. Right now there is only a gentle rain falling, and the pool water is still warm from the summer's heat. No one else was swimming (of course), so I enjoyed the peace of the moment, with the trees gently swaying (calm before the storm). It turned out to be a great place to talk some things over with the Love and Lord of my life.
Along with the leaves blown into the pool, there was also a small frog, swimming and floating, swimming and floating around the perimeter. I wanted to rescue him, but the question arose in my mind, 'Was he better off in the pool than on land tonight?' What if, in trying to rescue him, I was actually sending him to his doom? Maybe the instinct God put in him sent him to the pool for safety. Perhaps the seeming water danger was not as bad as the greater danger on land? Yet he was working so hard, I couldn't imagine him doing that all day and all night without drowning. Finally, I went to get my flip flop to lift him out, only to completely lose sight of him in the pool. Perhaps he went into one of the drain vents as I went on my rescue mission.
Does God ever refrain from rescuing us from the smaller danger because He knows a much greater danger is at hand should He save us from the first? The worst an earthly danger can do is kill the body. An eternity without God is a much bigger danger than a 5+ hurricane. If we don't even recognize the eternal danger of refusing His salvation, what good will it do to save our homes and possessions for the moment? It could actually be, like my frog rescue, a harmful decision.
Only He knows what's best for frogs in a storm, but I know for sure that nothing is more important than gratefully gripping His outstretched carpenter's hand and being pulled to safety for all time.