Monday, May 29, 2017


   Recently, I've had occasion to 'relearn'  a lesson God taught me long ago.  It seems that either right before or right after I share on a particular topic, God gives me the chance to live it. I don't think He wants me to go spouting my mouth off, regardless of the veracity of the teaching, without having walked out the principle in my own life.  Unfortunately, walking out these truths usually involves some struggle and internal pain.
   I'm all for those short walks, those quick lessons in truth.  I'm less enthusiastic about the longer ones requiring persistence and endurance, especially when they involve being unjustly maligned.  When I think about Christians around the world being imprisoned, tortured and murdered for their faith, it puts my concerns to shame...revealing my struggles as petty in contrast.  Yet I, and others I know, still must face our own levels of endurance and sacrifice, our own laying down of our lives in a different way.
   We must lay down our pride, our desire to be considered honorable and truthful, our need to be treated justly.  We say to ourselves, 'How could someone who has known me this long really believe this gossip, these blatantly false rumors, without pursuing the truth directly and forthrightly?' 
   Ah, but have we done so, also? As we examine our hearts and ask the Lord to alert us, do images come to mind of times we've mentally condemned even those closest to us without discovering and discerning the whole truth?  Could others also say, "How could she believe that about me?" 
  Even if we sincerely believe our conscience to be clean in this area of unjust treatment of others, are we allowing God to be our Vindicator, without desperately trying to clear ourselves, and in the process possibly gossiping about our condemner?  I have walked this road of self-justification before and found it to be a black hole that only pleases the Accuser of the Brethren.  It sucks us into a vortex of frustrating chaos.
  When God tells us He is our Vindicator, He is freeing us from having to defend ourselves, which we never can, anyway.  He reminds us that when we get our 'sticky fingers out of there,' He can go to work bringing the truth to light.  As long as we are playing Vindicator, Judge, and Jury He cannot do what is best for us...or for the one who has unjustly treated who does not benefit from succeeding in this way, either.
   In the Psalms, (like 37+, Psalm 62...and so many others), David struggles with these same issues. Remember when he was running from Saul, who one minute wanted him to play worship music for him and the next was trying to kill him out of jealousy?  These psalms are still a balm to the soul of one unjustly treated.  Yet the major difference between these and the New Testament Scriptures is the recognition that 'we wrestle not with flesh and blood but principalities and powers in heavenly places.' 
   God wants us to forgive our accusers and see them freed from the mental prison in which they reside. He wants them transformed into the people He has created and planned them to be.  To be able to lay down your own desire for justification and put the situation completely in God's hands, allows Him to not only be your Vindicator but also to be your "enemy's".  For in the end, none of us is without the sin of gossip and unjust accusation.  None of us can vindicate ourselves from our own sin, or from the sins of those around us.
   Ask for His help to lay it all down, trusting that He is able, willing, and desirous of bringing the truth to light.  Some vindication has come for me swiftly.  Some has taken a very long time.  And some I have never seen manifested with my own eyes. Yet I know that my Heavenly Father knows the truth, and His opinion of me is the most important.  Yes, it is satisfying and healing to see the truth come to light (if I'm on the right side of it).  However, anything I offer up to Him I know will be used for good.  He's just that way, isn't He?  And if I can please Him with my small sacrifices of struggling obedience and cause Him to smile, then no matter what the world thinks of me....ah, it's worth it all.

Psalm 62[a]

Truly my soul finds rest in God;
    my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

How long will you assault me?
    Would all of you throw me down—
    this leaning wall, this tottering fence?
Surely they intend to topple me
    from my lofty place;
    they take delight in lies.
With their mouths they bless,
    but in their hearts they curse.[b]
Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
    my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God[c];
    he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
    pour out your hearts to him,
    for God is our refuge.
Surely the lowborn are but a breath,
    the highborn are but a lie.
If weighed on a balance, they are nothing;
    together they are only a breath.
10 Do not trust in extortion
    or put vain hope in stolen goods;
though your riches increase,
    do not set your heart on them.
11 One thing God has spoken,
    two things I have heard:
“Power belongs to you, God,
12     and with you, Lord, is unfailing love”;
and, “You reward everyone
    according to what they have done.”

Let my vindication come from you; may your eyes see what is right.

no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.

My vindicator is close by; let whoever dares to accuse me appear with me in court! Let whoever has a case against me step forward!


Morning read and share....