Saturday, April 22, 2017


   Evidently I need to hear this message repeated in various ways, so there may be others who need to hear it, too.
   This morning I was feeling anxious about not getting something right which has the potential to make a significant difference in people's lives.  I realized I was concerned I would disappoint the Lord, that He would always love me but might end up rolling His eyes a bit at my inability to 'get it right.'

His answer:
   "I will indeed guide you. Don't you realize you are trying to do My will? Why would I not help you? I'm not playing 'cat and mouse,' waiting to see if you figure it out. Praying My will be done, yes.  Worrying, no.
   You're always thinking you've disappointed Me somehow. That I love you in spite of it. But I am your Cheerleader. I run out and pick you up when you fall, not berate you for falling or shake my head with sighs at your dismal performance. I'm running along the sidelines like a coach, inspiring you to greater strength and distance, delighted at your efforts. See Me there and grin from ear to ear, knowing I'm your greatest Advocate."

   May you turn your head and see Him there running alongside in your own life and know that He is so very pleased with you.

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