Monday, September 26, 2016

Hitting a Nerve

   Are you old enough to remember the game Operation?  You tried to remove a body part without setting off the buzzer. If you made a mistake, it was as if you had hit a nerve during surgery. I experienced something similar this morning listening to Lysa Terkeurst and James Robinson share their experiences of rejection. James describes repeatedly wanting so much to play in a game of sports but never being chosen and walking home crying while the others played. Lysa relates her story of feeling rejected by her father when he deserted their family.
   Whether it was periods of being overweight, gangly, uncoordinated, socially inept, or having unloveable personalities...or circumstances of poverty, broken relationships, and struggle in our families...there are probably few who of us who haven't endured such pain. As may be so with many of you, I have experienced both sides of this coin:  periods of my life when I was rejected and lonely...and periods when I found myself suddenly  'popular'.  This popularity was related to circumstances over which I had no control, and I was acutely aware of the fickleness of human acceptance.  I might have basked in it for awhile, but I knew its nature.  It also made me sensitive to the hearts of those either left on the fringe or outright discarded.
    There is no rejection with our Heavenly Father. He doesn't reject, He accepts.  He not only accepts, He  chooses you. He singles you out and says "I pick you!"  I planned you before you were born and I am delighted with you. You are My Chosen One. I want you. I have great plans for you. Plans and purposes aside, I just plain enjoy you. I think you're wonderful.
     Take a gander at Lysa's new bok Uninvited...or listen to what she has to say on Life Today ( And while you're at it, give a cup of water to those who aren't worried about acceptance or rejection. They just want their precious children to survive another day.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Hearing God's Voice

"Sometimes My 'Voice' is not in words you can take down in dictation. Sometimes My Voice is a Message, one which you receive into your soul through your spirit from My Spirit. It's like an infusion via IV, instead of you eating and digesting discrete foods. When you chew food, not all of it is actually digested and its nutrients absorbed. Some parts pass through whole. With an infusion, the nutrients or pharmakeia*  pass into and through you in their entirety.  Receive the infusion I wish to give you and be transfused with My Peace, My Wisdom, My Joy, that your spiritual marrow may be built up, enriched, and fortified."
"Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."  --Psalm 90:14
"I Am the Vine; you are the branches..if you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing..."
--John 15:5
*pharmakeia: Greek for administering medicine.  Also has secondary occult meaning, which I know was not what was meant here. However, if one were to seek that dangerous and deceptive path, infusion would also be involved, to the total detriment of one's soul and spirit. The evil one always makes available an alluring imitation.
**panpharmecon:  "Cure for everything."  That's Yeshua