Thursday, November 14, 2024

A different kind of usher


     Before I retired from teaching and moved to be near our kids and grandchildren, we belonged to a wonderful, humble, little church on the Space Coast of Florida. Holy Spirit’s sweet and powerful Presence often dwelt there.  I think He came in power so often because we simply loved Him and wanted what He wanted, more than we wanted our own way. To be blessed by His continual outpouring, our pastors had to be willing to step out of the way and gratefully hand over the reins to Him. 

    In this spiritually intimate atmosphere, people needed to only choose to come near the altar, and Holy Spirit did the rest.* One of my job assignments from the Father was simply to get them there. I would listen for His direction, go to the person he designated, silently reach out my hand, and walk the chosen one forward.

    It was a very short walk, but a life-changing one. Whether for healing of body or soul, a resting in His Love, or a first-time surrender and commitment to Him, Holy Spirit’s Presence effected the transformation. Yet the short walk needed to be taken. The Father knew, of course, what was going on in each one’s heart, including who wanted to come forward but was struggling with whether or not to do so. All they needed was a hand outstretched to help usher them forward. 

   Whether we are in church, on a sidewalk, in the grocery store, or having coffee with a friend, we can be an usher. The Lord knows what is happening in each mind and heart. Let’s remain open and sensitive to His prompting. We musn’t be reluctant, for fear of what others will think of us. We can’t read a heart, but He can. 

   Let’s “put our whole trust in His grace and love”…for ourselves as ushers, as well as for our ushees. [On anothe occasion, roles may be reversed.] We may be only one in a long chain of ushers, which culminates in that person’s final walk to the altar. There they will find that His hands are the ones outstretched, ushering them into His very heart.


* Quiet, anointed soaking worship, as well as our pastors’ tender hearts and sensitivity to Holy Spirit, also served to create this manger of a church.

** “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. —2 Corinthians 13: 14